Chapter 21: The Trevi Fountain (Amber)

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Harry pulled away from me, "Come on. We have other places to see." His whisper sent chills down my spine. I can't believe on what I was thinking about doing tonight with him. Was I going to go through with it? Maybe, I still have to think about it. "Come on." He tugged my arm and pulled me down the stairs. When we reached the street, we slowed our pace. Harry let his hand slip into mine. "Where are we going that could possibly be more romantic?" I took a glance at him as a grin fell on his face. "You'll see." He pulled me into his side causing me to bump into him and giggle. "Such a flirt." I giggle. "A flirt for you." He chuckled, kissing my cheek.

When we approached the square where there was a small crowd, my mouth fell open as I gazed at the Trevi Fountain. I absolutely love this fountain. Making a wish with a penny in this fountain was on my bucket list. "Surprised?" His hot breath hit my ear. I let a gasp slip from my lips, "It's. It's..." "Beautiful? I know just not as beautiful as you." His arm slipped around my waist. "It's more than beautiful. For this has no words to describe it." I gasped letting a smile spread on my face. "I was hoping you'd like it." Harry put his hands on my waist, turning me towards him. He flashed me his cheeky smile with dimples. I giggled and pulled him to me, hugging him tight, "Like it? I love it!"

He chuckled at my tight hug. When I pulled away, he pulled me back in and placed a sweet kiss on my lips. "Let's go!" I let out a squeal. Did I seriously do that? I think I did because he chuckle at me. I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the fountain. When we got up to the front by the fountain, I gawked at it. It had fine details in its amazing sculptures. I glanced down at the water, which held thousands of pennies. I reached down and let my hand stroke the cool water. "Care to make a wish?" Harry brought me back from my thoughts. I turned to him and stared at the penny he held between his fingers. "Of course." I flashed him a toothy grin and he returned it, handing me the penny.

I took a breath, turned away from the fountain, closed my eyes, and tossed the coin. Once I let go of the penny, I turned around to watch it hit the surface of the water and sink. I smiled, mentally checking this off of my bucket list. Harry pulled me to him. "What did you wish for?" He pressed his nose to mine. Heat rose in my cheeks, "I wished for us to be forever." "Then your wish has come true." Harry whispered and bent down to connect our lips. I felt fireworks ignite in the bottom of our stomach. I felt him smile into the kiss.

"Let's take a picture together." He pulled away to smile at me. He pulled out his phone and we stood together and smiled. We did the same for my phone. "Want to go to the hotel?" Sweetness in his tone. I nodded my head and he grabbed my hand. We started to playfully jog as we giggled at each other. This boy was something else. He came off dangerous looking, kinda sexy really, but he's a very sweet boy.

When we reached the hotel we saw Paul sitting in the lobby, card key in his hand. "Hey Paul." Harry cheerfully announced. Paul looked up for his phone, "There you two are. I was waiting for you, here is your card key. Get well rest." He handed Harry the key and walked away. That man was very straight forward. We reached our room on the tenth floor, it was a suite. "Thank you for an amazing date Harry." I hugged his side. He slipped the key in the door and kissed my head, "Anything for you love."

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