Chapter 17: Lazy Day (Amber)

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I woke up to Harry practically on top of me, kissing my face everywhere. I giggled uncontrollably, "Harry stop." "Then kiss me." He smiled down at me. I lift my head to connect our lips. He smiles into the kiss, satisfied that he got his way. I pulled away and turned my head to notice papers on the night stand.

I reach to grab them off the table, "What's this?" "Oh, that. That's a song I'm working on." He sounded almost shy telling me. I read his cute writing. 'The story of my life, I take her home. I drive all night just to keep her warm inside. While time is frozen. The story of my life, I give her hope. I spend her love, until she's broke. It's the story of my life.' " Wow..." I finished, seeming not to find the words for this beautiful song. Who was it about? There is a slight ping of hope in my heart that he wrote it for me. "Do you like it?" His question breaking my thoughts. I looked back up at him from his push-up position over me. "Yeah it's beautiful. I love it, and I can't wait to hear more." I set the papers back down and turn to smile at him again. "Good, I wrote it about you." He collapses on me, kissing my already red cheeks. I love that he wrote a song about me, it's so romantic and it's nice he thinks of me.

I manage to push his muscular body off me, trying to get out of bed. After pushing myself up, I start walking down the hallway when I hear Harry, "Babe, where are you going?" I smile at his word choice and turn to see his head poking out of my door frame. "Going to go ma-" "No. Come cuddle with me." He interrupted me, looking serious.

He continues to eye me with his emerald eyes. I giggle at his adorable features in the morning, slowly walking closer. "Well, if you insist." He smiles cheekily at me and pulls me into the room, closing the door.

He pulls me onto the bed and pulls the covers completely over our heads. The light shines through the covers, so it doesn't look so dark in the bed. "Why are we doing this instead of packing?" I shyly look up at him. "We can always pack later love. It won't take that long. I just want to spend some alone time before we leave." He pulls me closer.

I lift my head from its position on his chest, listening to his heartbeat, up so our foreheads touch. "You say the sweetest things." I whispered in his ear, grazing his earlobe. "That's because it comes from the heart. And my heart only beats for you." He whispered back when I brought my lips to his. He kisses me softly, but deep, lips moving in sync.

I go to pull away but he bites my bottom lip pulling me back into the kiss. "Let's stay here for a while. You and me." He mumbles against my lips. I smile as I move my lips. This boy is the cheesiest yet sweetest boy ever.

Thirty minutes went by till this deep kiss ended. I crawled out of Harry's arms, out of the bed, to grab my suitcase, while Harry made the bed. His suitcase was already packed because he never unpacked when he got here.

When Harry was done, I set the suitcase on the bed. I opened the walk in closet that was joined with my actual bedroom. I walked into my closet and Harry grabbed my suitcase and walked in. He set my bag on the round couch in here.

Harry was helping me pick out clothes, for I was finding it difficult to choose. "Babe you'll look gorgeous in anything you wear." He breaths on my neck, as he wraps his arms around my waist from behind. "Help me pick out some swimsuits though." I rub his arm. He picks his head up, out of the crook of my neck. When he does so, my neck suddenly felt cold.

"Definitely this one." Smiling as he pulls put my orange one he likes. He also grabs a sky blue one that has a strapless top shaped like a bow. I walk over to my lingerie. Harry smiles and walks over to me, "This is definitely something I can help with."

He picks out my favorite lavender bra with pink lave on the cups with sparkles and matching lace panties. He picks out a whole lot more, eyeing my body. He's probably trying to picture them on me, my cheeks start to feel hot. I love and hate this familiar effect on me. His eyes land on something causing him to grin big. He pulls out a shirt, "You have to wear this for me sometime." He winks and shows me the shirt. It was my Victorias Secret packers shirt and on the back it says 'Let me be your halftime show'. "If you're lucky." I giggle, grabbing it and putting it in my suitcase.

I was all done packing and we just stood there. He was behind me, arms wrapped around me. And he was just whispering sweet nothing's into my ear.

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