Chapter 12: It Only Gets Better (Harry)

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She sits on a blue beanbag chair, so I sit down on the orange one right next to it. I reached over to grab her hand when she notices my tattoos. "You like my tattoos?" "Yeah, they're cool." She glances at them on my wrist. "Do you have any?" I look her in the eye. She positions her body a little more towards me and extends her right arm. She shows me her wrist which says 'If someone doesn't love you for who you are, don't change...' written small. I smile and extend my right arm and show her my right wrist that says 'I can't change.' She smiles at it and this time shows me her left wrist, it has a small key on it. I flip over my left wrist to show her my small padlock on it.

"Maybe we are meant to be." I smile while whispering in her ear. "Or definitely." Which makes my heart skip a beat. "Do you have any others?" "Just one more." She twists we body, pulling down her shorts. Right on the left backside of her hip it says 'Love Me Tender' very small and in cursive. "Okay, that's hot." She giggles at my reaction causing my face to light up.

"Want to watch a movie?" I pull out my phone to check the time, 9:00. I slide my phone back in my pocket. "Yes." I smile at her. She slowly gets up, off of the beanbag, and extends her hand for me to take. I get up a bit more quicker than she does though. She slowly starts leading me across the room and into the theater. "Pick a seat." She directs as she turns and yells, "Love Actually?" "That's only like my favorite movie!" I beam a bright smile at her. She puts the movie in and makes her way toward where I was sitting. She sits down next to me as the movie begins, snuggling into me.

When the movie is over, the screen automatically shuts off. I looked down and noticed that Amber fell asleep in my arms, looking like an absolute angel. I pick her up and exit the theater and up to her room. She must have woken up at some point when I was making my way up the stairs because her beautiful eyes were looking at me. I set her down on her bed and he's out towards the door. "No! Stay!" I stop in my tracks, turning around and smiling at her. I walk over to her saying, "Im going to change then come back." I swiftly kiss her forehead then walk out and down the hall to where my cloths are at.

I changed into a white tee and Calvin Klein boxers. I walked back into her room and noticed her on her bed in our bands tank and yoga shorts with her hair down. "Come here." I smile as I make my way to the other side of the bed and crawl in. I scoot up close to her and wrap my arms around her to pull her as close to me as possible. "You are so warm." She almost purred that sentence. I laugh at her when she pokes my dimples. "Your dimples are so cute when you smile." Se let out a small giggle. I kiss her, licking her bottom lip, teasing her. "You are such a cheeky boy." She looks up at me and smiles. She leans in and kisses me on the lips again. When she pulls away, I tell her, "I love you." "Yes, but, I love you more." She snuggles into me falling asleep. I just sit there for a while watching her and stroking her back as her breath evens out. And after a while I even fall into a peaceful sleep, with her by my side.

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