Chapter 8: The Morning After The Kiss (Harry)

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I woke up in Amber's bed and I looked over and Amber wasn't there. I frown to myself and slowly get out of bed. I trudge out of the room and down the stairs. I walked into the kitchen to see all of the boys sitting at the dinner table and Amber was cooking scrambled eggs in the kitchen. God, she looked gorgeous. Even in her pajamas, with her KISS concert tee and her short shorts. Her curly hair was flowing perfectly, like she never rested her head on a pillow before.

I walk up to her and wrap my arms around her waist. "Morning beautiful." I whisper sweetly in her ear. She looks over at me and smiles, "Morning cutie," then she leans close to whisper, "your morning voice is very sexy." I smile seductively at her. She kisses me and sends me off to go sit at the tables with the boys. They all smile at me when I arrive. "So, what happened with you two last night?" Zayn asked, smirking and raising his eyebrows. "We, um, talked. And, um, kissed, a lot." I said smiling like a dork. "Ohhhh." They all said in unison with smiles on each one of their giddy faces.

"Morning daddy." Amber says kissing her dads cheek as he sits down at the table. She puts an equal amount of eggs on our plates and walks back into the kitchen. "So were all of you boys comfortable last night?" Rich asked eyeing every one of us. "Yes, thank you. Some of us more than others." Louis grinned in my direction. Amber comes back into the room an sits down at the table with us.

"How do you like your KISS shirt sweetie?" Rich asked her. "Awesome and comfortable." She replies, smiling. Rich's phone beeps, "Oh, got a call and I have to go to work," he kisses Amber's head, "but soon we will be going on tour. I promise." "Okay, bye." Amber says, smiling and giving him a quick hug.

After he leaves and we finish, Amber grabs out plates as the boys leave to get ready. I follow Amber into the kitchen, and watch her put the dishes in the dish washer. She closes it and turns to face me, smiling. I smile and wrap my arms around her waist. "What would you say to going out on a date with me today?" I ask her, sounding cute and pushing my nose against hers. "I say, that sounds great." She smiles to me as she whispers her reply. I lean in to kiss her then slip her my tongue.

We pull away from our amazing kiss and she says, "Let's get dressed." We lazily walk up stairs. I kept laughing at her because of how she is lazy walking. Looking like a dumb cute zombie. She crosses her arms over her chest and glares at me. That only causes me to laugh harder because of how cute she looks. I run up the stairs and into my room to grab a shirt. I run back to her and smile while handing it to her. She looks at it, "Your Ramones shirt? What are you giving it to me for?" I walk up close to her, put my hands on her hips, press my forehead to hers and whisper, "I want you to wear it." She smiles and I lean in for a long, deep kiss. I pull away, heading to my room, while she has a smile on her face.

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