Chapter 28: Babysitting Niall

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Harry's POV

We didn't have anything scheduled for today so we can just lazy around or go where ever. I think I'll take Amber to the park for a picnic, once she's done getting dressed. "I feel that we should split up and just roam around today." Zayn plops himself next to Liam on the couch. "Great idea mate." Liam puts a hand on Zayn's shoulder in approval. "Why split up though?" Niall decides to lean over the couch and to lay right on me. "So the paps won't mob us all!" Louis slapped him on the bum and sat on the floor.

"Oi mate! Get off!" Since when did Niall get so heavy? I kept trying to push him off but he won't budge even the slightest. "But your comfy like a pillow," He wrapped his arms around me, "no wonder Amber lays on you all the time." From the floor I hear Louis snicker at his comment and I slap him upside the head. "Ow! Styles!!" Louis got up and jumped right on top of Niall. Then all the pressure came down on me. "That looks fun!!" Zayn got up and ran to jump on all of us. More pressure on my stomach and waist.

I looked over to Liam, who just shrugged and jumped on us too. All of us lying on each other caused us to moan in pain, me doing most the moaning. "What did I just walk into?" We all lifted our heads to find Amber staring at us trying not to giggle. She wore jean shorts and an off the shoulder white top with a black tiger on it, just a little bit of stomach showing, and her converse.

"Well I was laying on your boyfriend till these idiots decided to join in!" Niall didn't explain the part that I didn't want any of them on me. "Huh. Looks fun." She ran and jumped into the pile. There wasn't much pressure added, which excused me from more pain. "Hey Li!" She had a devils grin on as she began tickling Liam till he fell off of our pile. "Ouch." He sat pouting a he stared up at her.

"Had to get you off somehow. Now Daddy Direction, can you stop them from crushing Harry? Please." She got off and gave big brown puppy eyes to Liam. "Oh, alright." She squealed and gave him a hug. He started pulling off the boys one by one, till they were all off. "Thanks Li." She kissed his cheek as he goes into the kitchen. She finally turned her attention to me, "Thanks love." I tried getting up but she stopped me, "Not so fast. It's my turn." She climbed on me and then went limp as she used me as a pillow.

I wrapped my arms around her, I wasn't going to protest her using me for comfort. "Any ways, as you were suggesting that we split up, Zayn?" Liam came back in the room with a sandwich, to which Niall kept staring at it. "Right. Like I could go with you, Liam. Louis could go with Niall. And Amber could go with Harry, then we just try to stay split so we don't get noticed as much." We all agreed that it was a good idea. "Well I planned on taking Amber to the park." I explained. "Okay and Liam, we could hit the shops? Shop for Perrie and Danielle." Liam nodded with a smile on his face, from mention of Danielle.

"What about you two?" Amber turned everyone's attention to Niall and Louis. "Well, we could stroll around downtown." Louis nudged Niall on the arm, as he nodded in agreement. "It's settled then. See you all later." Liam got up with Zayn following behind him. Amber got off me so I could get up with her. And the four of us left to go our separate ways.

Amber's POV

"So what are we going to do?" I sat down on the blanket Harry laid on the grass. "Talk and look up at the clouds." He sent me one of his famous smiles. I laid down with Harry following my actions. "What do you guys think about when you write songs?" Harry turned his attention towards me at the question. "Well a lot of things actually. It really depends on the mood. Like, sometimes I think of the good things in life and what we are blessed with, but I often thinking of you most of the time. Just because being in love or just the thought of love can make lyrics flow right out of you. It's just a real strong feeling that most songs are about, it's the feeling that really comes natural." That made sense, when I was little, I thought of nothing when it came to music. But now I actually know that a good song has to have feeling and meaning with each lyric. "That makes sense. So what does Niall think of?" I looked back at Harry, fixing my eyes on him. "Well he replaces a girl with food, which I guess could work. It does for him anyways." I giggle, that is so Niall. "What do you think of when you want to draw?" His green eyes seemed more bright when the sun hit them just right. "The same thing actually. It's just like writing lyrics, but in picture form. I often listen to music while drawing, because the lyrics form a clear picture in your head of what the artist is trying to tell you. It also depends on mood and feeling a lot. Breakups are like when you draw like sad or angry, kind of gloomy themes where you would see a broken person sometimes alone in the rain. Or there is love, where you could draw two people doing anything really. Sometimes there are just random bursts of inspiration, where when you look at something it just sets and endless amount of ideas in your head. Like combining two objects to create a new idea. And sometimes I think it would be really cool if I could draw you, because your features are really detailed and handsome. I just get a strong feeling to draw you." He chuckled at my last comment. "Sorry, I'm rambling." Heat rises to my cheeks, I think I said too much. "No your not. I like listening to you, it's nice to know what the person you love thinks about. It really puts you in their perspective, to which it'd be easier to understand where they are coming from and what they think of things. As to your last comment, when we get off tour and get back home you can draw me."

I feel much better after expressing my passion for art to Harry. He actually listens, a spark in his eyes as he listens to one of the subjects that holds my interest. I suppose he is right, it's nice to know what your partner thinks. It really lets you know what's going on. "I look forward to studying your face. But, I find myself doing that each day." He chuckles, rolling into a push-up position over me. He bends down to peck my lips, "I do that a lot myself. Whenever your not looking or we aren't doing anything. It really makes me wish I was an artist, so I could draw every detail and aspect of you." That comment really sent heat to my cheeks as he kissed me again. When he pulled away he gently collapsed on top of me, nuzzling his head in my neck. I lightly stroked my fingertips up and down his back, as if to soothe him. I wish I knew all of his thoughts.

When we got back to the hotel it was around 11:30, and all of the boys weren't back yet. "Wonder what they got up to now." Harry set the card key down and sat on the couch. "Hopefully no trouble, but knowing them, there are no promises." He pulled me to sit on his lap and I just rested my head back into his shoulder. Just then we heard a loud bang and the door slam shut. I got off Harry's lap and we went to see who it was.

It was Niall, and by the look of him, he was drunk. "Hey guys." He slurred. "Where's Louis?!" Harry lifted him up, "Thanks love." I giggled at his response to Harry, but then got serious. He leaned onto me and I helped him to the couch. "Louis left to go find Zayn and Liam." He slurred even more. Harry looked like he was fuming, "Well was he sober?!" I gave Harry a look, telling him to calm down. "Yes, I believe he was." I sat down next to Niall on the couch and he wrapped his arms around me and snuggled into me. I sighed and started to stroke his hair, "So he left you when you are clearly drunk?" "Yes ma'am." Niall looked up at me with his blue eyes. "Well at least you made it back safe." Harry mumbled as he started to walk back and forth.

"Hey Harry. I miss you! Come over here an join the party." Niall motioned to join us on the couch, and kept me in his hold. Harry sits down next to me and pries his arms off me. "Harry your so hot," Niall stated as he turned to me, "I see why your with him." I giggle at his comment. "Sit next to me you hot piece of arse!" Harry looked at him like he was nuts. He pulled me into his arms, just a bit away from drunk Niall. His eyes started looking droopy and he fell onto my lap. Snores already heard coming from his mouth. I looked at Harry, who clearly wasn't happy about a drunk on me. But our attentions turned over, as we heard the boys laughter. They came into the living room and stopped, seeing Niall.

"Louis since you let this happen you can get Niall off of Amber. And stay with him all night in case he gets sick, since you let this happen." Louis silently walks over to us and picks Niall off of me. "I'm going to bed." I jump up and pass Zayn and Liam, who have wide eyes and bags in their hands. Harry was right behind me, following me to the bedroom.

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