Chapter 4: Bubbles (Harry)

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Amber and I started cleaning dishes, I got extremely bored. I took a handful of bubbles an rubbed them on her face, laughing. She giggled and threw some at me then wiping her face.

Soon we were making bubble art. "Hold still." She said, concentrating on my face as she rubbed bubbles on my cheeks and chin. "I think I'm done." She says giggling. She sculpted a beard on me. "Since I look extremely sexy, you must kiss me." I say, leaning in. "Uh, no. I don't kiss guys with facial hair," she laughs, pushing me away, "my turn!" She jumps on the counter.

All the dishes were put away, so we were just having fun. With my beard still on me, I started putting bubbles on her. I gave her a really long, curly mustache. She looked at herself in a mirror and laughed. Louis came in stating, "You two have been in here for well over an hour." Just then Amber rubbed bubbles on his face and ran behind me. Louis laughed and pulled her in a bear hug, squeezing her tight. "Harry help...." she gasped for air when I pulled them apart. Louis laughed, walking away and wiping his face.

Later me and her sat across from each other on stools, cleaning each others faces. She's cleaning my face first. She looks up at me with her brown eyes, concentrating on my face as she dabs it with a cloth. I just keep looking at her, smiling. "Stop." She giggles. "Stop what?" I laughed at her. "Stop smiling your cheeky smile. There are still bubbles in your dimples!" She says laughing. I try to keep a serious face when she finally finishes. "Your turn." I whispered and stood up. "Whaa..." She says. I lean close, take my finger, and slowly swipe it along above her lips. "All done." I whisper, smiling.

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