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Harry ended up taking me back to England the next day. Turns out, the other surprise was a house. The house was simple yet beautiful. It was in a lovely neighborhood, with a big yard, surrounded by trees. The house wasn't big, but it wasn't small either. We have a pool in our back yard, and it was simply elegant.

We got married two months later, in his home town. Then we honeymooned in Hawaii, on a tropical island. It was honestly the best day of my life, being pronounced Mrs. Styles.

And now here we are, in the hospital, five hours after the birth of our baby daughter. We named her Emily Marie Styles, and she was gorgeous. She had her fathers green eyes, and chubby cheeks. The boys were all here, of course. Niall was playing with our little three year old boy, Edward. And Louis was rocking Emily in his arms, absolutely adoring her, while Eleanor had her arms wrapped around Louis. Zayn and Perrie were talking with Liam about his recent move in with his girlfriend, Sophia.

All I could be right now was happy, being surrounded by the people I love. Being wrapped in Harry's arms made it ten times better. "We are so lucky." I whispered to him while staring at Emily. "No, I'm the lucky one that has gotten blessed with all of this." I turned my head to face him, and he just smiles and softly places his lips on mine. And the rest was history...

(Hey guys this was my first fanfiction! I meant for it to go longer, but I was really blanking out on the story line. I know it wasn't the best story, but I hoped you all liked it! And I will learn from this story to adjust when making my future stories, so they can be even better. But any who, thank you for reading! Please vote and comment giving me feed back. Ciao!)

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