Chapter 9: The First Date (Amber)

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I put on his Ramones shirt, letting it look baggy because it doesn't look that big on me. I pull on my tight gray skinny jeans and wrap a black belt around them. I tie on my black converse, brush my curly hair, and put mascara on my eyelashes.

Once I was done getting ready, I walked around downstairs looking for Harry. I found him sitting on the couch in the living room. He was wearing a white t-shirt, black skinny jeans, white converse, his airplane necklace with another one that had 'I Wish' written on it. "Wow..." He mumbles out of breath, noticing the shirt on me. "You should wear my clothes more often." He gets up and laces his arms around my waist, pressing a soft but long kiss to my neck.

I giggle as he smiles at me. "So where are we going?" I ask him, poking him in his stomach. "You'll see." He chuckles and kisses my nose. He takes my hand and leads me to the front door. "Boys, be good!" I yell. Harry opens the door and pulls me out, shutting the door as we leave. We walk down the driveway to his Ferrari. He opens the passenger door and I climb in, thanking him. "No problem love." He walks around to his side and gets in, buckles up, and backs out of the driveway. While we were driving, he kept telling me these horrible jokes and I kept laughing. "Your horrible!" I laugh harder. "I know. But your laughing aren't you?" He chuckles. As we pull in to a parking lot.

"Oh my goodness! I haven't been mini putting since I was seven!" I exclaim, smiling at him. "Well if you need help, I'll put my arms around you and help you putt." He says, smiling cheekily at me. "Your so cheesy." I smile at him. He gets out of the car, comes around to my side, and opens the door for me. He grabs my hand to help me out, shutting the door, and locking the car. We walk up to the entrance, he is still holding my hand. I decide to intertwine our fingers, and I see a little smile appear on his face. He pays for us to putt and grabs two balls, one orange and one blue. He also grabs two putters and hands me one and the blue ball. We walk over to hole one and he went first. He hits the ball an gets really close to the hole. I step up and place my ball on the ground. I hit it and I get a hole-in-one. "Oh, I'm good." I giggle, grab my ball, and stand on the side walk. He chuckles at me, hits his ball in, then grabs it. He makes his way toward me, grabs my waist with one hand, pulls me close, and kisses me. "I'm good too." He whispers, winking at me. I giggle and roll my eyes.

After we finish nine holes, I gloat to him, saying I won. "Winner kisses the loser." He smiles. "That was not in the rules Mr. Styles." I say, smiling a little. He wraps his arms around my waist, pulls me closer, puts his forehead against mine, looks into my eyes for a second. "Please?" I look into his eyes, remembering they were the first thing I fell for because he has emeralds for eyes. I get really close so our lips are brushing, "Okay." I whisper. I close the space between us by smashing my lips against his. I kiss him passionately slipping him my tongue. He smiles against my lips. No he knows, that he was the one that really won.

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