Chapter 11: The Ring (Amber)

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I woke up to a pair of emerald eyes staring at me. "Morning beautiful." Harry says in his sexy morning voice. A blush seems to find its way across my face. "Where you watching me sleep?" I ask him. "I can't help that you look so gorgeous when you sleep." He whispers, pulling me closer, bringing his head close to mine. My face starts to heat up. He smiles at me, "I love that affect I have on you." I mirror his smile. He moves in and touches his lips to mine. I kiss back and it gets deeper, out lips moving in perfect sync.

We slowly pull away and he groans. I giggled at his reaction. I sit up and lift myself off of the bed. "Where are you going?" Harry asks, pouting and giving me puppy dog eyes. "Downstairs to make breakfast." I stifle a laugh. He lazily lifts himself off of the bed and follows me out of my room and to the kitchen. When we walk into the kitchen I notice a note on the fridge.

I grab it and read it out loud so Harry could hear, "Dear Amber, me and the boys, minus Harry, are out for breakfast. Be back soon, Love Dad. P.S. Are you and Harry dating?" Harry looks at me and smirks. I walk over to the counter and grab my phone to text my dad. 'Just got up. And yes, me and Harry are dating.' A minute later I get a reply. 'Okay sweetie.' Since me and Harry are alone we just have cereal.

After me and Harry finished we walked into the living room. Harry walked over to the big couch and sat on it. I smiled and walked over to sit on his lap. After a while I looked into his emerald eyes and said, "Sing to me."

He smiles at me and scrunched his eyebrows. "Why do you want me to sing?" "Because I never really heard just your voice before. I usually hear the guys too." I say, gazing at him. I take in all his amazing features, his rigid jawline, his cute nose, his pink plump lips, his gorgeous eyes, and the mop of curly hair. "Fine, for you," he takes a breath and starts. "Truly, madly, deeply I am. Foolishly, completely falling. And somehow you kicked all my walls in. so baby say you'll always keep me. Truly, madly, crazy, deeply in love with you. In love with you." He presses his forehead to mine and stares into my eyes. "Your voice is amazing." I say. "That's because I meant what I sang." He whispers. Wait, was he saying that he loves me? And if so, do I love him? I feel like I do. He grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers.

We sat there for ten minutes, just like that. He lifts me up in his arms and carries me bridal style upstairs and into my room. He sets me down and says, "Get dressed." He softly kisses me, then walks out in the hall and to his room. I like it when he tells me what to do.

I put on a tee shirt with One Direction on it, it was purple and it had Harry in the middle. He was the biggest one on the shirt. I pull on some white short-shorts and slip on my purple flip-flops. I put on my emerald necklace and pull my curly hair into a high ponytail with my bangs hanging on my forehead on the left side. I put on mascara on my long lashes and head downstairs.

I head into the media room and see Harry on a beanbag chair looking around the room. He was wearing a grey blazer over a red tee with black skinny jeans and his black boots with his airplane necklace. His curls swept up off his face, it was a different look for him but definitely a hot look. I walk over to him and sit on the blue beanbag chair next to him. He keeps staring at two doors on the far right of the room, behind our Dance Revolution arcade game. "What is through those doors?" He asks, still staring. "One leads to a theater and the other leads to the bowling alley and roller rink." I reply.

"Wow that's really c...," he stops when he looks at me and at my tee shirt with a big Harry in the middle, "...beautiful." He finishes, staring at me. "Well my house is very flattered." I joke and he smiles at me. We hear a door close and a bunch of voices boom through the house. "Amber? We're home." My dad says.

Harry and I get up and go to meet them in the living room, sitting down. "Alright boys we have to go to an interview now but we'll be back before dinner." My dad informs us. "You'll be okay for a couple hours right?" He asks. "Of course." I reply. "Right, okay boys, lets get moving!" He exclaims.

The boys get up and follow my dad out the door. Harry stands, kisses me on the head, "I'll text you till we go live." "Okay." I smile at him. He walks out the door and looks back at me, a look of longing, before he closes the door.

I get a text five minutes after they left.

Cutie Styles: Turn on your tv an go to ET. We'll be on in a few.

Amber: Just did.

Cutie Styles: I hope she talks about relationships.

Amber: Why?

Cutie Styles: Because I wanna talk about you. Xx

Amber: Awe, good reason. Xx

Cutie Styles: About to go on. I'll see you! Xx

Amber: Good luck! Xx

Cutie Styles: Wish you were with me, you are my good luck. Xx

I blush looking at my phone, when I hear the interviewer start talking, "Good afternoon. Today we'll start off interviewing one of the biggest boy bands in the world....please welcome, One Direction!" "Thanks for having us." Liam says, he's always so polite to people. "No thank you for coming. Alright boys lets start off with who's single." "Only me. Look out ladies." Niall winks at the camera, that boy is always such a joker but he was serious. The interviewer laughs, "Alright we know about Zayn and Perrie, Liam and Danielle, and Louis and Eleanor, but what about you Harry?" "I'm dating my managers daughter, Amber Miller." He smiles proudly. "Oh, that's the girl you were with at the mini golf coarse!" And with that a picture of us at the coarse pops up on the screen. Harry nods his head, grinning like an idiot. "I've never seen him this happy before." Zayn takes a look at him. "I think him and Amber are in love." Niall states, completely serious. Harry starts blushing and looks at his lap smiling. "Awe well enough on love. Let's talk about your upcoming tour!"

I turn off the tv and smile to myself. I think I am in love with Harry. I can't believe I allowed myself to fall for that boy, but he made me do it so unexpectedly. He is really different from other boys. He's so old school, and romantic, he treats me like a princess but also his best friend.

Twenty minutes goes by while I'm thinking. I check my phone for the time, 5:13, I set my phone down and lie on the couch. My phone buzzes.

Cutie: Interview is over, did you watch?xx

Amber: Yes I did:) xx

Cutie: Good:) We are stopping at one store, then getting Nandos. Your dad said he'll get you the usual. Xx

Amber: Okay, sounds fine. Can't wait for you to be home. Xx

Cutie: I can't wait to see your beautiful face. I can't stand the fact you've been home by yourself all day. Xx

Amber: Awe:) xx

Cutie: Be back soon babe. Xx

A whole hour passed before they finally got home.

"We brought Nandos!" Niall announces as they walk through the door. "I got you, your usual salad." Dad says. "Thank you." I kiss him on the cheek. I walk toward Harry who's smiling at me, holding a bag, and I kiss him. "What's in the bag Styles?" I whisper, smiling. "You'll see after dinner." He whispered back, sending shivers down my spine. He chuckles at my reaction to what he does.

After we finish eating Harry pulls me into the media room. "Okay, do you want to see what was in the bag?" "Yes!" I smile widely at him. "Okay, let me say something first. Amber I promise to care for you, trust you, stay loyal to you, to be with you whenever I can. I promise I will never hurt you. But Amber, most importantly, I promise to always love you. Do you accept these promises and promise me the same in return?" I look at his serious emerald eyes, "Yes." He smiles at me and takes out a small velvet box and opens it, "And do you promise to forever be mine?" Lifting a ring. "Yes." I smile as he puts the ring on my left ring finger. I look at the gold ring with the metal tied in a bow in the middle with a pink heart dangling from it. On one side of the bow it says 'Love' and on the other side it says 'You'.

Harry puts his hands on my waist and pulls me closer to him. He presses his forehead against mine while sliding his arms completely around my waist. "I love you." He whispers. "I love you too." I whisper, completely meaning it. I nudge his nose out of the way using mine an passionately press my lips to his, slipping him my tongue.

Oh my god.....I'm in love with Harry Styles.....

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