Chapter 6: Swimming (Harry)

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After Louis asked Amber if she had a pool, she showed us this gigantic indoor pool, and we all changed into our swimsuits. Amber was still changing. Me and the lads were all having a splash fight. We were laughing our bums off, really. Getting each other straight in the face, tackling each other, it was great fun. I hoped Amber would join soon. "Really?" We all stop and turn to see Amber standing there, looking as gorgeous as ever.

She was wearing a strapless orange bikini, my favorite color, with a cute white flower design on her top. Her hair was all curly and down falling below her chest, growing a little longer from what it looks like. "Um, you guys can all stop staring now." She says.

"Right." Liam says, clapping his hands together loudly, pulling us all back in reality. We continue to splash each other violently and she gets in giggling. She comes over and yells, "Alright there's a girl in the pool!" We all pause a second and stare at her. Louis splashes her big time, getting her hair all wet. "Oh it's on!" She says getting in our splash fight.

After a few minutes the fight is over and everyone gets in their own conversations. I swim over to Amber and she smiles at me, "Hey." "Hey." I smile back. She pulls herself out of the pool and I frown. "What's with the frown, Curly?" She asks. "Out so soon?" I give her puppy dog eyes. "For now." She giggles. I get out too. "Well you didn't have to get out too." She says, poking my stomach, which was really cute. "But I wanted to." I say, we were standing right by the deep end. I look at Louis who looks at us then the pool and raises his eyebrows, I get the message.

I slowly wrap my arms around her waist. She looked up at me with her perfect brown eyes. I quickly lift her up and jump in the pool with her in my arms. Making a big splash erupt the pool. I pull her above the waters surface. "Harry." She smiles and pushes out if my arms. Louis won't stop laughing at us, and gives me a high five. Amber jumps on Louis' back and when she least expects it, he dives underwater. Once they resurface, Liam says, "We should all get ready for bed." We all nod in agreement, getting out of the pool, while Amber says, "Alrighty daddy Direction." Making everyone laugh and Liam kisses her cheek as we part out separate ways to our rooms.

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