Girl Gamer meets Mr. Popular

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"Children show scars like medals. Lovers use them as secrets to reveal. A scar is what happens when the word is made flesh."
-------Leonard Cohen

We all have secrets that we kept to ourselves. 

Secrets that we don't let other people to know.... 

Some of these secrets are about our personal problems....

It can be, family problems.... Maybe... 


or the common secret that we always keep is always about 

Our other personalities or the other side of us,

 That we don''t let everyone see..

We don't simply show them to other people because we are afraid of rejections..


And criticism...

Some say, it's fine..

Let them see the real you

Be proud of who you really are... 

But sadly, at the end.... 

Those people who tell you to be yourself...

Those people who gave you the confidence to let your self free.. 

Are the ones who'll judge you..

leave you behind...

reject you..

and the saddest part..

forget you... 

we all have certain reasons why we hide our true selves to other people. 

Maybe based on experiences,

Past relationships..

Or based on how people treat us. 

So the tendency, we  rather hide it than to be rejected

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