Chapter 21- Girl gamer and Rina

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A/n: Thanks for the 11.3k reads! *O* 

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I ran down of the roof top and I was really pissed off. Why would haru do that? He kissed me just like that? And he even confessed to me. I gave him a proper answer but he digust me. 


"I like you Megumi." Haru said while looking at me. I blushed really hard and I quickly stood up and replied, "Wha? How can you say that with a straight face?" But he didn't answer my question and he hugged me . 

 "I really liked you ever since I laid my eye on you."  He said. My face was really flushed red and I think I'm gonna pass out. But I pulled myself together and shove him a little. 

"I'm sorry Haru but I can't respond to your confession, but thank you for letting me know." I said while my head was downcasted. 

I know I hurt haru's feelings but I can't go out with him knowing that I still like someone else. 

He nodded and said, "You stiil like Shiro huh?" He asked. I looked at him and he was staring at me while I was blushing on his doubt.

But then it began. He quickly kissed me and that really shook me. I shove him right away and I stood up. He quickly apologized but I slapped him hard. 

And then that's the time Shiro suddenly appeared. 

-End of flashback-

I ran down of the roof top and I ended up walking towards the storage room. While walking, I saw Rina alone. 

She suddenly looked at me and I kept my cool and I don't want to start a fight. But she walked towards me and I expect for the worst, she might kidnap me again. 

She stared at me for a second and then she bowed. I looked at her with one brow raised and said, "What are you doing?"  I asked coldly. 

She replied, "i'm here to fix the mess I made."  I continue to look at her and replied, "Please continue."  

She nodded and said, "I'm sorry for the things I have done, I know it was kinda traumatic but I still want to apologized and I'm here to tell you this in person, I'm broking up with shiro now. Well, I haven't see him because he's kinda busy lately so I decided to do this right now." 

"Ahhh" I nodded. "But why are you saying these to me?" I asked her. She looked at me with a sad face and replied, "Well, as much as I hate saying this but, He still likes you."  

My eyes became really wide and I quickly denied, "No, you must be wrong, Me and shiro aren't seeing each other you know." 

"I know that but I think you don't get what he meants when he decides to chose me and leave you." Rina said. 

I was just looking at her with a blank face indicating that I don't really get what she is saying even now. She glared at me with a 'you-are-so-dense' look. 

She sighed and explained, "Shiro chose to be with me so that he can guarantee your safety. He risked being with you so that he can protect you. I thought I was victourious and I can get whatever I want but still, I was wrong. One time, Shiro and I met at the park and I caught him sleeping, he kept on calling your name and that break me into pieces, but what can I do? I forced someone to be with me even though he doesn't love me anymore."  

I looked away with a sad look on my face and sighed, "I-i'm sorry about that." She quickly grabbed my hand, "I hope you can forgive me, well, now that you can have him, please take care of him like what you did for Kiyoshi. Give him the things that I wasn't able to give him, and don't the things that I did to him that really made him sad or angry. Trust me, He loves you. He still does." 

I smiled at her and said, "It's kinda awkward you know, but sure. I'll do that." She gave me a big smile and added, "You know, if my cousin is still alive, he'll be so proud."  

I looked at her with a brow raised and replied,"Huh?"  She chuckled and replied, "Oh yeah! you don't know don't you? I'm Kiyoshi's cousin."  

My jaw dropped at the floor and my eyes were really wide and white. "Y-you're K-kiyoshi's cousin?" I asked with a shocked face. She nodded lightly, "Yeah, sorry for not letting you know." She have a little grin on her face and went off. 

Really, that girl can give me a lot of surprises. T_T And she's Kiyoshi's cousin and she almost killed me. She's really a psychopath. 

I proceed on walking towards the storage room to hid myself and to give myself a time to think and relax. When I arrived at the storage room, I slowly slid the door but suddenly, someone held the upper part of the door. I saw a shadow of a boy inside the room behind me. When I turn around, it was Shiro. 

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