Chapter 34 - Going to see Him

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I stare at the white ceiling as I was still laying on my bed while my annoying phone continuously ring. My eyebrows furrowed as I brutally find my phone at some part of my bed. I was forced to stood up and start throwing my pillows with the bed covers and blanket. The noise still continue and it was disturbing as ever. Gladly, I found it under my bed which was quite idiotic. 

Sighing, when I was about to pick it up, the caller ended the phone call. An irk mark appeared and I unconsciously threw my phone. It didn't break though and the call was at it again. I crawled towards the phone and I saw the caller's names and it was Shiro. My heart skip a beat when his name appears on my phone. But it all wear off when I suddenly remembered that he's the one at fault why I'm restless. Literally restless. This idiot made me do all of my homeworks even though it was a Friday night. 

I picked up the phone, "Do you know what time it is?"  I said irritatingly. As a matter of fact, it's five o'clock in the morning. 

"Yeah. Sorry for waking you up and sorry for forcing you to do all your work but I just want to tell you that we will be going somewhere later and I'll be explaining why I forced you."  I just sighed. Well, it's not like I can do something about it when it's already done. I threw myself on my messy bed and replied, "Nah. It's fine. Just make sure it's worth it!"  I slightly shouted. 

He chuckled, "Yeah. Sure."  

"See you later then." I said. 

"Yeah. Bye."  

I was about to end the call but he suddenly called my name. 

"Why?"  I asked. 

"Uhmm."  I waited for him to say something as my right eyebrow raised. 

"I love you."  He manage to say in a calm yet nervous tone. 

I instantly blushed at his reply. I know he says that quite often. Sometimes even face to face but whenever he says it, it feels like a bomb was thrown at me without any notice and it just breaks my guard down in a single shot. I guess, I'll never get used to this. 

"Ughh..Uhmm."  I was speechless. I know I should answer them because, maybe, it's normal for two persons who are already going out but I was dead nervous and the words were stuck inside of me that I think I have pull it out with my hands. Gross. 

He noticed that I was stuttering which made him chuckled. "I understand."  That made me blush even more but at the same time it made me feel guilty. 

"See you-"  I cut him off. 

"I-I L-love you-u tooo!"  I was able to say it. Maybe not in the perfect way or the decent way that I know but at least I was able to say it. My phone and hands were shaking and my chest feels like it's going to explode sooner or later but I have to pull myself together. This time, I noticed Shiro wasn't responding nor talking. Not even a single hint of voice can be heard. 

"Uhmm. H-Hello?" I asked a bit shaky. 

"Uhmm! Uh-yeah!" He responded in an upbeat attitude then he laughed. "You caught me left handed huh?"  

My face was already burning. Why the heck am I blushing!? He should be the one! Stop blushing you idiot! I just mentally slapped myself. 

"This time for real."  He said. "You have to rest. See you later. Bye."  After I say my good bye,  I just slowly replaced the receiver. I quickly covered my face with a pillow. I was still blushing like a stupid tomato. "I'm still sleepy! But how the hell am I going to sleep in a situation like this?"  

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