Chapter 37 - Kiyoshi & Shiro III

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A/n: Contains feels. You've been warned. XD and another thing, don't hate the author after reading this chapter HAHAHAHA.

I lazily walked through the corridors as I eat a melon bread. It's currently our lunch break and I just spend my time alone. Well, Kiyoshi is spending his quality time with his soon to be girl friend Megumi. I just let him because other than dismissal, this also his chance to spend his time with Megumi at school. 'I'm surprised Megumi doesn't find Kiyoshi's fans annoying.' I thought. 

I took a turn to the left and I'll be arriving at my classroom, but suddenly, I saw a group of guys in front of our classroom's door. Every single face looks familiar and no doubt it's the students who wants to beat me in the past few weeks. 'Seriously? Don't they know the meaning of the word give up?' I sighed and turn around and to spend my time at the roof top instead but as I walk away, someone called me. 

"Shi-chan~!" I startle and slowly turn. 'Kiyoshi?' I thought. 

Then I saw those five guys gazed at my direction and Bingo! I was found out. One of them smirked and slowly jogged then run. Unconsciously, I ran, too. 'Fuck this!' I thought, worryingly. But I guess this is fine than they hurt Kiyoshi. I went out of the building and proceed at the back at the garden where students rarely go. 

I pant and catch my breath as fast as I can. I lean on the wall for support and slowly sliding my exhausted body down. I guess I'm safe here. I sat down and reached inside my pocket the half piece of the melon bread and I start to eat here peacefully. 

After finishing all of it, I just continue to relax using my quality time sitting and leaning against the wall. It was quite nice. It wasn't boring or anything, sitting here just looking around not minding anything in the world. The best feeling ever.

As I entertain myself with nature, I heard something rustling behind the bushes. I stood up and ready myself if there will something in there. I picked up a short twig and I start pinching the bush and then it revealed a kitten. I stared at it and really? that's what I'm afraid of? I sat again but now with a kitten on my lap. 

I continue to pet the little kitten when I heard foot steps approaching. It didn't scared me or I didn't even think that that would be the guys who were looking for me. The sound comes closer and closer and a girl shows up. 

She walked calmly and slowly. I looked at her and it feels like I saw her from somewhere. Those familiar hair length and red scarf around her neck. We have a little eye to eye contact and she stopped in front of me. She looked at me in the eye and the kitten on my lap. 

I was just staring at her. 'Ohh. Now, this is Megumi.' I thought. This is the very first time that I saw her face to face. Well, Kiyoshi didn't introduced me to her or her to me. All he did was just tell stories about the two of them. 

Black cold eyes, small mouth, a dull yet serious expression on her face. That was the first thing I noticed. Then she rolled her cold eyes and walked away. 'Kiyoshi has some taste huh?' When she disappeared there was another sound I heard. 'Come on! There are more surprises?!' I thought. This time I stood up and look for where it was coming from. 

They were mumbling and some of them were shouting. I took a little peek as I put the kitten above my head and I saw the five guys being cornered by some other guys. I raised an eyebrow and they were arguing with them then I noticed, there was a girl in the middle. 

A girl tied her hair in a messy bun, her uniform was wrinkled, her school blazer was wrapped around her waist and her hands on her hips. 

"Are you the ones threatening Yoshiyuki?" The girl asked as my eyes widen and my interests rose. 

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