Chapter 22- The Girl gamer and Mr. Popular

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A/n: Hi there! It's been a while since I have a note. XDD Oh yeah, Thanks for the 12.5k Reads! ;_; And before I forgot, This Chapter contains overjoyed feelings and exaggerated scenes lol. Jk. XDD

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I saw Shiro behind me and he was kinda panting. Seriously, what is he doing in his life. I saw him earlier too and he was panting. Is he having an exercise or something? 

"What are you doing her-" My words are torted when Shiro quickly hugged me causing me to fell on the floor. It didn't hurt because Shiro caught me though. 

I looked at him and he was on top of me. I blushed and I was trying to shove him off me but he was just staring me with teary eyes. 

"What-" I was torted again and this time Shiro kissed me. My body temperature all rose to my cheeks but I don't know whay I'm not shocked anymore. 

Is it because I'm still used to Shiro kissing me like that? I slowly closed my eyes and I just go with the flow what he's doing. Suddenly, Shiro was getting into to it, and I can't breath properly anymore, I tried to open my mouth for air but I was shocked something entered inside.

I-it W-was Shiro's... Ughhh! I don't want to mention it!

I shove him quickly and the both of us were really panting like crazy, "What are you doing-" my words are cut off again and he quickly hugged me.

"I'm sorry Megumi, I was just carried away. So please don't get mad again at me. I'll do anything. I'm so sorry."He said it while he was crying. 

I was dumbfounded and staring at the air. It feels like my heart was touched once again. All of my walls broke in one shot. 

I clenched in my fist and realized that. "I'm still lucky, that I'm still being loved by the person who means a lot to me."  The way he said it earlier, he was crying with a broken heart. He even beg me not to be mad at thim again. that really touch my heart.

I hugged Shiro back and I quickly apologized, "I'm sorry if I leave you, Sorry, if I was cold to you all of a sudden. I have to do that to save myself. I was so dumb of doing that. I'm sorry if I didn't make a plan to get you back, I'm sorry if I didn't realized that you were just protecting me all along. Sorry if I'm really worthless. I'm sorry." 

I cried my heart out and told Shiro everything. I apologized for the things I have done. 

"I'm sorry, I hope you forgive me. to be honest when you left it feels like I'm living in the past again and I have to accept that. It really hurts seeing you ignoring me but what hurts the most is to pretend that I don't care because the truth is I really want to hug you and beg you to stay with me again. To be with you everyday, even though you pissed me off, even though you beat me in our games, I don't care! As long as I win inside your heart that's fine.

"I don't care on how many time I lost when it comes to our games, as long as inside your heart I'm the winner thats more than enough. to be loved by you is the best trophy I can have." 

Tears suddenly fell on Shiro's cheeks. He stared at me and said, "sorry if I can't face our problem, all I can do is to protect you. I was a coward. I let Rina rule me again, but not this time, I will protect you no matter what. even if it takes my life."

I quickly punched Shiro at the arm and he replied, "what was that for? " I replied, "Don't die you idiot! I'm going to cry again." he chuckled and held my cheeks, "of course I won't." then he kissed me on my left cheek.

We gave each other a long hug and then I remembered what rina told me earlier.

"I almost forgot! Rina and I have a little earlier." Shiro quickly asked me, "are you hurt? did she do something to you?" I quickly said no, I explained to him that she'll let Shiro go.

Then Shiro was dumbfounded. I waved my hand in front of him and I kept on asking him if he's okay.

I sighed and stood up, I looked at the window and it's already night time.  "hey Shiro, look! the moon is so bright. " I turn to him and them he gave me a big hug causing him to lift me up. That really freaked me out.

"Oii! Put me down!" I demanded as I kept on punching his shoulders. But he suddenly talk, "do you know what this means? I can finally ask you out! " he said excitingly.   

That made me blush and happy at the same time. Then he put me down and genuflect in front of me.

"Say, Megumi.. I really like you from the start, remember when we first met at the roof top? when you gave me a lot of advices? yeah, that time.. you already captured my heart. I fell inlove with you in a split second.  before I approached you that day, I was asking God why rina keeps on doing bad things at me, is there any reasons why is he doing this? I thought I won't be happy anymore but then you came. I was asking God to please send me an angel that will heal my broken heart, who'll wake me up from this nightmares,  who'll make ke truly happy. But when I saw you,  I just realized that my prayer was quickly answered. So, Meg, my angel, will you go out with me?"

My heart stopped from beating and my breathing was heavily. I was just looking at him with wide eyes while I was dumbfounded. 

Ever since Kiyoshi died, I stopped believing in fairy tales nor happy endings. Due to my bad experiences, I start believing that I will never have a happy life anymore.

But this guy, this guy knelt down before me and confessed his feelings for me and not only that, the guy in front of me is my whole world. Tears started to rush down on my cheeks. My heart can't take this kind of happiness that I almost cried.

I continue looking at Shiro with teary eyes and I let out a huge smile reaching form ear to ear. His words really made me feel special and of course made me feel important. 

"Yeah. I accept." I said plainly but full of joy. 

Shiro's face lit up and happiness was painted all over his face.  he smirked at me as a sign of victory. He quickly gave me a big hug as he whisper, "I love you so much." 

I hugged him back and tighter, "I love you the most." 

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Awww. Happy endings.. But wait! there will be more and that will not be the end of the story 'kay?! 

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