Chapter 17 - Music Lover's Resolution

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It's been one week since I entered this school and I can say it was already a ruckus.  I already have a rival and I think it is a tough competition, But I have no intentions of giving up that easily. 

I looked at the window and I'm really bored. I didn't have my ear phones with me, I forgot to charge my Ipod. What an Idiot! 

My classmates were so noisy, they were talking about the school's festival stuffs. I let out a sigh as I put my gaze on them while they were busy about planning for the huge event.

That would be really tiring huh? I just watch them planning and complaining. And while watching them, I heard they have two problems. 

First, What will be the theme of our section and 

Second, Who will be the two class representatives of our class.

Suddenly, an annoying girl raised her hand and suggests, 

"Why won't we chose Haru? for one of our representatives?" 

That gave me the shivers, and I quickly bowed my head on my desk and pretend that I'm asleep. 

Then this bastard beside me, *Shiro* poked me. 

"Oiii! wake up class representative!"  

A red irritating mark appeared on the right side of my head and glared at him. I gave him the 'what-the-fuck' glare. He laughed at me and his laugh was full of tease. Out of the blue, my brain just hatched an Idea. I quickly stood up and shouted, 

"I'll join if one of the class representatives is Shiro!" 

The girls started to scream, "KYYYYAAA!" 

Shiro looked at me will his big eye balls and I smirked with victory and said, "You're welcome, squinty eyes!" 

My classmates agreed and Shiro was really pissed off.  It's now official the two of us will be the class representative. I was enjoying my victory as I watch him sulk but suddenly, the teacher arrives. Ohhh.. I didn't have much fun, but still the victory is mine. 

 ♪        ♫        ♪       ♫     ♪      ♫      ♫     ♪

In the middle of discussion, a piece of paper was passed on to me and it was written, "What the heck was that for? You moron!" 

This guy has guts to call me a moron when we didn't have a normal conversation. I look at my right and Shiro was looking at me with a cold glare. I let out a pfffttt  and grabbed a pen.

"Really? Like you're one to talk Mr. Acts-innocent!" I scribbled and passed to him. 

I looked at him and waited for his reaction..

3 ......

2 .......

1... Blast off! 

I saw him kicked the end of his table and his head was steaming like I can fry eggs with it. XD 

And of course, as for me, I laughed  as I covered my mouth. 

 ♪        ♫        ♪       ♫     ♪      ♫      ♫     ♪

Hours had passed and it was our dismissal, but Shiro and I aren't going home yet because we have a meeting with the student council. I pack my things peacefully as Shiro was fuming. I rolled my eyes and thought, it wasn't a big deal why is he so irritated about it?


My day started awfully, because that stupid bastard Haru, voted me for being one of the class representative of our class. Is he out of his mind? He was voted as one of the representatives and he voted me to be his partner? Is he irritating himself?

And now, I ended up with him. 

As our classmates exchange their farewells, Haru and I were packed our things and went off. While heading at the student council's hall, Silence continue to fill the hallway and our gap.  We were not talking to each other, then suddenly he asked me. 

"Do you really love her?" 

I sighed and looked at him. I didn't answer his question, I wish he get what I meant. 

"I already now." He said. 

I was completely shocked and I grabbed his tie, pulled him towards me and asked angrily, "How did you know? did Rina told you?" 

"Will you just calm down!?" Haru said rolling his eyes while pushing me away.

"Don't worry, I heard it from Megumi."  He said. 

"Ahh, I'm sorry about that." 

"Yeah sure. But dude, really? you're pathetic!" 

To be honest, I was kinda annoyed when he called me that, but what can I do? it's true right?  Haru kept on lecturing me and seriously, I was kinda pissed off. 

"Will you stop that? I already accept the fact that I'm a pathetic dumb guy, what else do you want?"  

Haru quickly answered and said, "HER." 

I glared at him replied, "Why her?" 

"It's because I like her, is there any reasons? I was planning to confess to her after the school's festiv—" 

I quickly cut him off, "Whoah! wait?! are you planning that TOO?" I asked. 

Haru was shocked and I think he get what I meant.  "I was planning on breaking up with Rina, seriously, because I don't love her anymore." 

"But dude, Megumi is supposed to be mine —" 

My temper rises faster than I thought. I grabbed his collar and said, "Don't you dare continue your words, I'm not finished with you yet. I won't let you have her!" 

"Then that settles it."  He said with a smirk.


"Let's have a bet." 

"A bet?" 

"Yeah, this is how it works, we are going to tell the student council that our class will be holding a butler and maid cafe. Our competition will enter this way, all the female customers will have to choose from the both of us, and the butler with the largest amount of votes will win and he will be the one to confess." Haru said. 

"I don't want to." 

"Why not?" he asked. 

"Because, I never saw Megumi as a trophy. I don't want to put her in our stupid game and being the prize." 

Haru sighed and said, "Look, Megumi isn't the prize here, the prize here will be the opportunity to say what we truly feel right? and the decision is up to her not to me nor to you. Like you, I have no plans on using Megumi as a prize nor trophy." 

That was really a tempting offer but I can't choose, but I have to this to have a chance and prove to Megumi what I really feel. I stared at him for a second and slowly nodded,

"Fine, I'll accept the challenge." 

He smirked, "Then that my friend is a deal." he replied as he fix his tie. 

After that bet, we proceed to the meeting. 


"I'll definitely win!" 

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