Chapter 15 - Mr.Popular meets The Music Lover

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A/N: So hey guys! I've read your previous comments and I saw that you all missed Shiro that much. XD And I'm sorry if he wasn't in the spotlight on the previous chapters, but today is going to be different! 

He's back! XD lol. but he's not alone.XD Ehhh, I just should stop talking now right?

Ahhh! Gomen I'm a little talkative today!

And oh yeah, The chapter is dedicated to: FloatingInDreamland - I really like her stories though! Go check it out~! 

Well, here's chapter 15! :DDD

 ♪        ♫        ♪       ♫     ♪      ♫      ♫     ♪


I kept on yawning along the way to school. My eyes are swollen and my eye bags were double the size. I can't sleep properly last night because I kept on thinking of what happen last Saturday. That was really chaotic and heart thumping at the same time. Maybe I shouldn't take it seriously, he did said he just caught up with the moment right? There's no big deal in that.

I arrived at school and thank god it's really peaceful. I can now ignore and snob Shiro. Well, it's not my fault anyways, it was his decision, not mine. My butt was going to meet my chair but my teacher suddenly arrived and she announce that there will be changing of seats. 

Ugggh! that was really annoying! I really want to sit and play my game and of course, I don't want to leave my precious spot, but If I didn't leave at this spot, I'll continue to look at Shiro. 

Ooopss. I don't have to say the last one. 

We were all standing and waiting for our name to be called. 

Shiro was called by the teacher but his seat is still on the back. 

I wonder who'll be the next to sit at my chair?

My name was called and my seat is like the usual, Remember where Kei was seated last time? yeah. that was the place. And Kei's seat is beside me, in front of Shiro. When everything is settled, my teacher went out of the classroom, I kept on looking at the chair behind me because no one is seated there.

A few seconds later she came back and she's not alone.I was completely shocked that the color of my skin faded and my jaw dropped when I saw Haru. You've got to be kidding me! He'll be in my school? and in my class?

"Class, You have a new classmate." My teacher said.

"I'm Haru Yoshino, I will be in your class, please take care of me."  And he bowed. 

"Haru, you can seat at the back, Behind Takishima." 

Okay! My life is now officially doomed! DOOMED! 

I was really stressed out and I was panicking, but I put my headphones on and I ignored all of them, even my teacher is teaching, I didn't listen to her. Suddenly, Haru kicked my chair and that lead me to astonishment. 

I quickly turn around at him and he wasn't looking, it's like he has nothing to do on who kicked my chair. But obviously it was him! -.- Duh? Why would I kicked my own chair in the first place? right? 

I moved my seat closer to my desk so he wouldn't able to kick my chair, but I think he has a leg of a giraffe and he again, kicked my chair. A big red irritated mark appeared on the back of my head and quickly turn to him, 

"Seriously?? What's your problem?" I whispered angrily. 

He chuckled and he didn't replied. 

Girl Gamer meets Mr. PopularWhere stories live. Discover now