Chapter 9.5

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Tears kept on falling when I narrate the whole story, It feels like reminiscing the whole story again.

Seriously, I don't want to remember all of these.

I don't want to feel the despair and sadness I had in the past.

But I have to open this again to let Shiro know.

"Kiyoshi never gave you up until his last breath."

I nodded.

He stared at me and said,

"Did you know, I knew you before?"


"Hahaha, yup." He teased.

"How?" I asked.

"Well, like you, I lost someone who I consider as my bestest friend."

I startled and "Do you mean?"

"Yeah, Kiyoshi is my best friend. He is really different from the others, He was the only friend that I really care for. His like a brother to me."

"I met you because of Kiyoshi, He kept on telling me about you, and how happy he is because of you. He told me everything and I know about your dates and your bondings"

I didn't now that Kiyoshi had a best friend, I know Kiyoshi is really that friendly but I didn't know that Kiyoshi's best friend is Shiro.

The world is really small.

I was dating Kiyoshi in the past, and I didn't know that my future will be like this.

I didn't expect that the one that I liked next is the best friend of the one I love from the past.

"Is it okay if we go out? like uh-hm, it's not that I want to date or anything, but the both of you are friends and —"

Shiro torted and hugged me.

"I think, Kiyoshi will be fine with that, And maybe he'll be happy, because me as his best friend, I'll take good care of you."

Hearing those words from him, makes me at ease and it is really heart whelming.

Being with him today, makes me happy.

I know I'm really that sad today, but he helped me to overcome this kind of sadness.


Shiro and I kept on telling stories about our lives before we've met in person.

We spent the rest of the night talking until, we fell asleep.



I opened my eyes and I heard a heavy breathing beside me.

I rubbed my eyes with my left hand, I was supposed to move my right arm but it was under Shiro's big body.

His right arm was wrapped around my waist and my left arm was kinda clinging around his neck, It wasn't on full cling because I'm small. -.-

In short, We fell asleep while we hugged each other. -.-

I suddenly blushed and I was like, come on! It's the first thing in the morning and I blushed?

I sighed and I moved a little.

I look up and Shiro was still asleep.

He suddenly moved and I bowed down my head.

His left hand moved and he lift my chin.

"Hahaha! So I was correct! You were blushing huh!" He teased.

My face continued to blushed and I pouted.

He laughed and hugged me tight.

Even though he teases me a lot, I really enjoy his company.

I look at my right and I was shocked it was already 7:00 am!

Our class starts after 30 minutes.

I hurriedly stand up and I was shaking Shiro so he would stand up.

But instead of standing up, he pretends to be asleep.

At first it was cute, but there's no time for that. We have to go to school!!! -.-

I was pissed off and I leave him, then he quickly stands up and He pulled me from behind and causing me to face him.

He hugged me and said, "I like you. I really do."

My face was red an apple.

I held his cheeks and pinched it playfully.

"That's enough romance, We heave to go to school! you moron!"

"Awwwttch, pwease, ret guh.. " (Ouch, please let go)

I kept on playing on his cheeks as a punishment but suddenly he stole a kiss from me.

I let his cheeks go and covered my mouth.

I ran outside his room and I think he's making fun of me now.

I took a quick bath and prepared to go to school.

Well, I can move freely because Shiro's parents aren't here.

While Shiro is taking his bath, I decided to cook something for our breakfast.

When he was done, he goes down in the kitchen and just in time, I was finished preparing breakfast.

It was a nice and happy thing to do to start a day.

Shiro thanked me and said, "Now I know why Kiyoshi is really lucky."

What he said, just now, makes me speechless and I smiled at him as a reply.

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