Chapter 1 - Meet the Girl Gamer

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Hi guys! This is the first chapter of my new story, please do bear with me with the boring-ness of the story XD, but seriously, at first it's boring but it gets really good and cute when you continue reading it. I PROMISE YOU THAT. 

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Uniform... Check! 

Bag and Lunch.... Check! 

Headphones and Scarf... Check! 

And last but not the least,

My Psp.... Check!

As I approached our door, I put on my shoes while the bread I was handling, I put it in my mouth. 

"I'm going!" I shouted calmly. 

Before opening our gate I pet my cat and hug him before I left. As I go out from our gate, I walked to school while I eat. As usual, people were looking at me. I gave sigh and mind my own business.

Is it their first time seeing a normal girl walking while eating? I thought as I look down. 

Maybe is the way I walk, not to mention, I walk like a Penguin today. A little wobbly maybe? I chuckled at the thought. Oh yeah, I forgot, I spend the whole night playing again. XD But who doesn't love to play, right? it's like your controller is full of excitement like it's going to break. lol. 

Anyway, I decide to ignore them and I continued walking and after a few minutes, I arrived at school.

Fast right? Well, our school is really near so, sometimes, it's alright if I leave the house five minutes before our flag ceremony. I can still catch up. From the gate of our school to the insides of our building, it was really crowded.

Oh yeah, I forgot, it was the first day of school again. Mentally slapping myself for that.  I have no choice but to let my small body be squeezed. I have to go to our huge board to see what section I belong. When I reached the center it was really hot, and I feel like, I haven't bathe for days. Ughh!

 I was about to reach the huge board but suddenly, someone held my hand.

I turned around and it was Kei.

Kei Setsuko. A classmate and maybe considered a friend of mine for 3 years. She was a classmate of mine when we were in middle school. Even though I don't talk that much, she took the initiative and approached me. Despite my annoying and rude attitude she was able to cope up with me.

"Ohayo Megumi!" She greeted with a big smile up to her ear.  (*Ohayo - Good morning!) 

 "Oh, It's you, Morning." I replied with a serious face. 

"Come on now Megumi! Can you please smile? just for a bit?" She requested and pouted at the same time.

She's always like that. Always suggesting to me that I should smile a little or sometimes to communicate. Which I usually decline. I stared at her and said. "No." and I turn my head away from her and proceed going to the list.

 "Good Morning Takishima!" My english teacher greeted me.

 "Morning Ma'am, so what's my section?" I asked.

 "Oh yeah! congratulations! you're in section 2-3."

 "Ahh. Thank you."

I soon left the table and as usual, I was being pushed here, pushed there like a toy.  I wish I didn't have to go to school today. I'd rather sleep or eat while playing my MMORPG than to stay here.

Girl Gamer meets Mr. PopularWhere stories live. Discover now