#40 Coffee Shop

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Thomas POV:

We all went to a coffee shop nearby, which was recommended by Hans and his wife. We all sat at a 5 chair table while Jorge went to get food and drinks. I kept looking over at a bench, with a man around 40 or 50 sitting there with a blank face. He had a coffee beside him and no steam came out of it. It had to be sitting there for a while.

Thomas:"Don't you guys think that guy is abit werid."

I pointed to the man. Maria, Minho and Brenda looked over and saw the man.

Brenda:"Maybe he's infected...On the bliss. He looks sick but nobody sees it. Except us."

Maria:"The bliss...Could that help Newt."

Brenda:"If you have 5 grand or more. The man obviously had money to spend. We don't and will never have that sort of money. Plus it just hides it. It dosent stop the flare."

Marias face when down and i could feel the psin she felt. Jorge came walking back with Sandwiches and Coffee, a water for Maria aswell.

Jorge:"Water for you Hermano."

Maria:"Ohhh. I wanted coffee or at least some tea."

We all smiled and ate every sandwich and drank all our drinks.

Maria POV:

We finished eating and we get ready to go.

Maria:"I just need to go and get more water. I'll be one sec, Jorge, card money wherever now."

Jorge passes the card.

Brenda:"Okay. Thomas and I need a little chat so you guys go wait and Maria come back when your done."

I walked up to the counter and asked for more water. After 3 minutes of waiting I got it and ran to Brenda and Thomas.

Brenda:"We need to go. Right now."


I turned and saw what Brenda was looking at. A red-shirted Flare tester walked to the man on the bench, a short woman was moving next to the red shirt guard whispering. Red shirt kicked the man's foot, getting his attention.

Brenda:"We need to go."

Brenda rushed to the door and I grabbed Thomas's hand.

Maria:"Lets go."

We started to walked but stopped when we both heard something drop. The red shirt man was on the ground with the older man on top of him.

Red shirt:"WE'VE GOT AN INFECTED! Everyone evacuate the building!"

Screams and yells spread through the area snd everyone ran to the only exit and we got left behind. We were now being pushed back and was back at the table, stunned about what's happening around us.

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