#13 Diary

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Maria POV:

We ran and ran and slid down hills of sand. Wicked haven't found us but were lost in the scorch.

We've been walking for hours and we finally find shelter. A half destroyed building. Safe from the windy storms of the scorch. Thomas only had one flashlight so we searched around to find supplies. Minho started banging on a door and smashed it's glass window. He opened it and we followed him inside. Water, clothes and supplies were in the corner of the room. I looked around and saw a book, a diary to be exact. I opened it and sat on a chair that was in the room. I skipped through the pages and saw the process of someone's life.

Page 1

Hello diary, I'm Ruby and this is my diary to tell whoever reads this my life...The rest of my life I have left. I'm 12 and was born in the scorch. Family members have died and have went insane, because of the Flare.

The flare is a disease where there are 2 ways you could turn out.

The Crazy Crank - This crank starts to react at an early stage, They start getting angry and upset at points. After time they start going insane and start seeing things. They act and seem like normal people but inside they are full of rage and fear.

The Original Crank - This crank is absolutely horrible. If scratched or if you have the virus you go staight to insane and you start being sick, puking black liquid out of your mouth. They start losing hair and start to forget memories.
My cousin turned into this and we had to lock her behind an electric wall. She turned vicious and had the hunger to eat and kill us. Its so horrible, she was only 8.

I hope whoever is reading this dosent become a crank or even have someone close to them become a crank.


Minho:"Hey guys, Thomas and I are going to search outside of this room. Pack and get as much stuff as you can. Change into different clothes of you want. We'll be back."

We all nod and they leave with flashlights and a bag of supplies.
I look at Newt who was staring at me but now acting like he wasn't, he searches through the clothes and I continue to read.

Page 10

My family are getting sick and hungry.
Bryan, Hank and I are the only sane ones left. My sister and her friend left the building and went back into the scorch and never returned. I hope they're alright.

Page 20

I'm feeling abit weird today. My past keeps showing up randomly.
My whole family got sick, father, mother and brother and now stuck in a room. I check on them everyday. They are going to die.

Page 30

Hi hi hi hi hi

I don't know whats happening to me.
I'm going crazy.


Page 40

I'm Alone....If someone finds this I'm dead by the time you finish this.

I knew I was dead when I was 6 but It took longer than I thought.
Everyones dying and people are running around eating people.
I'm locked in here for my safety.
If my sister got out of here and lived. Could whoever has this take it just in case you bump into her.

I love you and I wished you cane back and said goodbye.
You knew we would die in less than 2 weeks and you were right. I should of went with you.
Please forgive me
I love you so much.

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