#32 Electric Bolt

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Newt POV:

We stand there guns raised. All I did was stare at Maria till Janson raised his hand.
The guard holding Maria drops her right on her side. Bumping her head in the process. A wimper comes out of Maria and her eyes start to flutter open.

Newt:"Hey! You don't drop her like that."

I growled and looked at Janson.

Janson:"I can do whatever. She's Wickeds property and so will that baby of yours."

My blood was boiling now. I was real pissed off and wanted to rip his throat out.

Newt:"She's not your property."

Janson:"You people still haven't noticed them yet? Check your necks."

I looked over at Maria and she gets pulled up by Janson.
I look at Thomas's neck.

Newt:"Thomas. Be killed by group B."

I walked up to Minho.

Minho:"Minho. The Leader."

Thomas:"Let me check yours."

I turn and he looks at mine.

Thomas:"Newt. The Glue."

Janson:"Drums please!"

He lifts Marias hair and we look.

Property of W.I.C.K.E.D
The Cure

Janson:"Yes people. Maria is the cure to the flare and her baby is very special."

Maria:"I'll rip your eyes out before you touch our baby."

Maria was awake and alive. Her hand went up Jansons face and she clawed at his face. He yells, pushing her off. She runs towards me. Barley making it. She collapses in my arms and I hold her.

Newt:"That's my girl."

I saw with a smirk. She smiles and trys to stand up.

Janson:"You little bitch. If you weren't Avas favorite you'd be dead. Even if you were pregnant. I'll kill that baby too."

I was done. I grabbed my launcher and Thomas, Minho and Brenda do the same. Maria throws her gun at Jorge and he points it at them.

Newt:"Were don't playing your stupid games Ratman. We're leaving and you arn't stopping us."

I watched as his left eye bleed and a smirk lifted on his face.

Janson:"You won't win. More guards are coming right now."

Janson ran out and I shot my gun. The guards shot and I pulled Maria and myself down behind a desk.
Everyone did the same except for Jorge who ran at his berg and opened it.

Jorge:"Come on!"


It was a females voice and the guards stopped. Maria lifted herself off the floor and we all did the same.


Ava:"Maria. You can't escape us. You and Thomas are the the keys to everything. All we need is your brains and bones. Cure will be complete. Even with just one of you."

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