#17 The Right Arm

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Thomas POV:

My head started to hurt and I heard a voice in my head. It was Marias voice.


Maria:"Thomas...I need you. I know where I am...I'm next to a billboard. That has a man with ginger hair, near some mountains...Please Tommy, help me."

Thomas:"We'll find you."

Newt:"Thomas? You alright, you just blacked out."

Thomas:"Maria...We need to to find her. I know where she is."

Newt:"What, where, Where is she?"

Jorge:"Wait how?"

Thomas:"Never mind that. We need to go."

Jorge:"Hermano, Is it atleast near the mountains."

Thomas:"Yes near a billboard with a man on it, he's got ginger hair."

Brenda:"I know the place. It's close to the mountains, we'll go down the main road."

Newt:"Good. Let's go then."

We follow Jorge to his car, Bertha and we all get in. Newt in front with Jorge and all of us are in the back.
We drive for about 2 hours and Maria contacts me again.

Maria:"Are you close Thomas. Please, I need you guys."

Cole:"Jesus, are we even close to Maria yet."

Jorge:"Hermanos, there's the billboard."

Thomas:"Okay thank goodness. Maria were close."

Maria:"Good...I think they know your here.....No please..."


She didn't say anything back.
We get out of the car, near the billboard.

Jorge:"Alright, I have weapons at the back. Take some just in case."

I grab a pistol and knife.
Newt and Frypan grabs a machete.
Cole and Aris grabs a pistol each
Brenda grabs a sniper and Jorge grabs an AK-47.

We crouch at the billboard and we hear voices. Jorge raises his hand and looks at where the voices are.

Jorge:"Hermanos I think they know we are here. There standing around a person with a bag over there head. I can't see there faces."

I get up and everyone follows, we stand far from the group of people and they spread apart. Teresa walks out from the crowd with a gun in her right hand.

Teresa:"Hello guys."

Thomas:"Wheres Maria?"

She grabs the person who is sitting on there knees and takes the bag off their head.


She's a mess, bleeding from every place and she extremely dirty.


He steps towards them and they raise there weapons. We realise the people are girls with there face covered up.


Black haired girl:"Aris?"

She takes the scraf off of her face and looks at Aris.


Danielle:"Aris. What are you doing with them?"

Aris:"Why are you doing this to Maria."

Danielle:"We didnt have a choice."

Teresa:"You rats shut up. Now why are you here."

Jorge:"Well Hermano, We're here for Maria."

Teresa:" Well Hermano. You can't have her."

Newt:"Hell we are."

He lifts his machete and Brenda lifts her sniper. We all raise our weapons.

Teresa:"There dosent need to be a war. All you need to do is go back to wicked. Even Newt will agree."

I looked over at Newt and he was sticker his machete in his arm.



Maria was now smirking and Teresa hit her in the head with the pistol. She groaned and Newt had enough. He started walking to Teresa and she put the gun in his direction.

Newt:"You won't shoot me. I do now realise wicked is good."

He walked beside her and she smiled, she looked back at us and Newt lifted his blade and hit Teresa in the head with the hand part of the machete. Teresa fell face first and was knocked unconscious.

Danielle:"Is she down? Alright. Weapons away now!"

Newt POV:

I kneeled down beside Maria and Thomas ran to her as well.

Maria:"Thank you...Tommy. Newt, thank y-you aswell..."

Thomas smiled and nodded. He followed Jorge to tie up Teresa.

I looked back at Maria and she was staring at me.

Maria:"Your back?"

Newt:"I think..."

She grabbed me and hugged me.

Newt:"You look awful by the way."

Maria:"Ha thanks."

Jorge:"Hermanos! We need to go find the right arm now."

Danielle:"The right arm?

Thomas:"Yeah. You know where they are?"

Danielle:"Yeah. Some of them are camping just a couple miles from here, we'll take you there."


He claps and we get our things. Maria trys to stand up but she falls. I grab her and lift her up by my shoulder.

Newt:"Are you heavy?"



I laugh and help her walk.
After walking for 30 minutes we arrive at a side of a mountain, filled with cars. We walked past cars and shots are head in the distance. Everyone yells and crouched down behind cars.

Newt:"What the bloody hell is that?"


The shooting stopped and we heard footsteps behind us. We turn and see two girls with rifles aimed to our faces.

Aris:"Harriet? Sonya?"

They look up at Aris and they see him, Danielle and the rest of the girls.

Harriet:"Aris...Danielle. Oh my god."

They lower there rifles and they take the scarfs that were covering half of there face.

Sonya:"Long time no see Danielle...Aris I've missed you."

She hugs him and Jorge speaks up.

Jorge:"Well, can we get a move on."

Harriet:"ALRIGHT GUYS! IT'S ALRIGHT! Follow us."

I help Maria up and she blinks alot.

Newt:"Hey, are you okay?"

Maria:"Hmm yeah. Just tired."

I nod and we start walking to there base.
We arrive and a man with a brown beard walks up to us.

Harriet:"Guys this is Vince."

Vince:"And who are you guys?"

Thomas:"I'm T-"


A brown haired lady walks out from behind Vince.

Newt:"Bloody hell...Mary."

Mary:"Hello Newt."

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