#9 Special

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Maria POV:

A door opens and light shines through again but on the opposite side of the room.

Minho:"Ladies First."

Maria:"Oh yeah...I'm the person that was screaming when the doors shut."

I crossed my arms.

Minho:"We were scared."

I giggle and pop my head out of the room.

Maria:"It's clear. Just an empty hallway with one door down the hall that says...Exit."

Thomas gets out and starts walking to the room.

Frypan:"Well I think that could be the exit."

Cole:"No shit..."

We laugh and run after Thomas.
I look back at Newt and he's pale white and is looking down at the ground when running.I hear gasps and I bump into my brother and I look inside of the room they are looking in.

Maria:"Holy Shit."

We walk in and bodies, blood and glass are everywhere.

Cole:"What happened to this place?"

Chuck:"Yeah what he said?"

I look inside a room and see two Bodies laying on two tables.

Minho:"They were going to be the next kids going up."

Thomas:"Didn't make it I guess."

We enter a room with screens flashing and we search around and I see Thomas press a button.
A screen turns on a blonde girl sits down on a chair.



Maria:"Ava Paige, thats Ava Paige."

Ava:"Hello, I'm Ava Paige. Somewhat leader of W.C.K.D. If your watching this, that means some scumstances got in the way and I'm very saddened that I could not meet you...Agian."

My eyes tear up and my fists tighten.

Ava:"Now. I think all of you are wondering why you were in the maze in the first place. As you may or may not know, you are extremely special to humanity. Many many years ago, the sun scorched the earth and destroyed homes and cities. A disease is spreading because of the scorch, named the flare. You kids are the only thing that haven't gotten hurt or got the disease."

As she said this, men is black suits where shooting up the place and killing people who were behind her.
We keep watching and she puts a gun to her head.

Ava:"Please help humanity and be the people who helped those who are not immune to the scorch. Your trials are just beginning. Good luck."

Somehow it looked like she just stared at me and Thomas and she pulled the trigger. I jumped from the sound. I breath slow and turn to see a girl in white laying on the ground. We walk towards her and I hear something fall onto the ground. I turn to see Newt, who just collapsed.


I run beside him and his eyes are closed.

Maria:"Newt! Come on, Talk to me."

His eyes open again and he smirks.

Newt:"I'm Fine."

Maria:"No your not fine. Why did you collapse."

I look at Newt and I see him holding a side of his stomach. I gently move his hand and lift his shirt. A huge scratch is there and he has lost a lot of blood. My eyes tear up.

Maria:"Why didn't you tell us."

Newt:"I didn't want to worry you, I just to get us out of this hell hole."

Tears fall down my face and I feel something be pushed on my back.


I stand up and I see Cole and everyone help Newt up. I hear a male voice behind me.


Gally:"Hello Maria...How's your little boyfriend."

Newt:"Get off of her."

Gally:"I really don't want her. I want Thomas. I want to kill Thomas."

Maria:"Your insane Gally."

Gally:"Maybe I am."

I look up and look at Gally. He was totally stung on the way of getting here. His eyes are redish black and he has green and pale skin just like Ben had.

Maria:"You were stung. You don't wanna do this."

I grab my blade that was in my pocket and Gally faces the gun at Thomas.

Gally:"You guys arn't leaving. Not with Thomas by your side."

I turn as fast as I could and stab Gally in the chest, I heard the gun be shot.
I twisted the knife into his chest more and I hold back the tears.

Maria:"I'm sorry."

He falls backwards and lays there, with a blade through his chest. I look at my hands and Gallys blood is all over them. I hear yells and crys. I turn and see Thomas holding Chuck.

Thomas:"No Chuck. NO."

I see hes the one that got shot. It hit Chuck. He grabs thomas's hand and puts a little figure in it.

Thomas:"No, your going to give it to them yourself remember."

Chuck:"Please...Tho-mas, You k-now I won't. P-Please Thomas..."

His head limps over and there's no life in him anyone. I start crying, like everyone else.

Thomas:"CHUCK! NO."

He shacks him and his eyes get all stuffed up and pachy from all the crying. Something opens and light shines through. People in black clothes and holding guns come running in. I search for Newt and he's leaning against a computer holding his stomach. He looks at the men, taking us outside and then looks at me.

Newt:"You okay."


He nods and they grab us.

Maria:"Where are you taking us?"

Guard:"We are rescuing you. Come on."

We are pulled and dragged out of the place. I close my eyes from all the burning and light.
I finally open them and sees the place Ava called the scorch. Sand, the building and a helicopter is all I could see. I get pushed into the Helicopter and everyone else are to. I see Thomas shaking and everyone wiping there tears away, some guards are helping Newt and his wound and all I do is sit there, looking my red hands.
I hear a British boy say something but I didn't pay attention.
I look out of the Helicopter and there it was. The Maze. Smoke was rising from the center and I looked back at my hands. I started to cry and I couldn't believe it.
I killed Gally, I have his blood on my hands.

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