#48 The Notes.

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Thomas POV:

Cranks:"GET THEM."

Thomas:"Maria LET'S GO!"

Cranks were everywhere. They ran towards us and we sprinted to the berg and closed the doors. We all looked through the window and cranks were screaming.


Newt was standing in the ground. He turned around and went back inside and we didn't see him anymore.

Jorge:"Back to Denver?"


Everyone just flopped to the ground except for Maria. She just stood there, shaking, holding her stomach.
I got up and walked to her.

Minho:"Why would he do this..."

Maria:"Hes a crank...We can't fix him. Hes Gone!"

She broke down. She fell into my arms and cried on my shoulder.

Thomas:"It's okay."

I brushed her head, putting her hair threw my fingers.

We all sat on the couch in silence. After a couple minutes Minho spoke up.

Minho:"Why did he do this...He pointed the gun at us, he pointed the launcher had our shunkin faces."

Thomas:'He never would've pulled the trigger."

Minho shook his head and sighed.

Minho:"You saw his eyes when they changed. Complete Lunacy. We'd be dead if Maria wasn't there."

Thomas:"Maybe it's a good thing."

Maria:"Come again?"

Thomas:"Maybe when their minds go, they're not themselves anymore. Maybe the Newt we know is now gone. Hes not aware of whats happening to him so really...Hes not suffering."

Maria looks at us and gets up. She shakes her head looks at minho when he starts talking.

Minho:'Nice try slinthead, but I don't believe that. I think he'll always be there just enough to be screaming on the inside. Hes a crank."

Maria sat down on a chair in front of us. Confused and pissed.

Minho:'I think I understand WICKED a little more now. After seeing those eyes up close. Seeing the madness. It's not the same when it's someone you've know for so long. I've watched plenty of our friends die, but watching Winston because of the Flare...if we could a find a cure."

Maria:"We do. It's us! We are the cure."

Brenda coughed making everyone look at her.

Brenda:"I know it's hard but...we need to think about what we're are going to do next."

Minho looks at Brenda. He got up on his feet and pointed at her.

Minho:"You can think all you want about whatever shuck thing you want, ms. Brenda. We just left our fiends with a bunch of psychos!"

He stormed out of the berg room and Brenda looked at me.


Thomas:"It's okay. He was with Newt for two years before I showed up in the maze. It'll take him some time."

I looked at Maria and I saw the sadness over take her.

Jorge:"Alright muchachos. Maybe we should take a couple days to rest. Think it all through."


Brenda:"We'll figure something out."

Maria:"There's one place we have to go. Gallys."

Brenda:"Your right. Jorge let's go make something to eat."

They all left. Leaving Maria and I alone. She got up and sat beside me. She put her head against my arm and I held her hand. I couldn't think about anything but Newt. I went to take off my jacket when he remembered.
The notes.
I speed up and looked away from Maria. Pulling the notes out. One with a T and the other with an M.


I turned to her. She looked at the envelopes in my hands. I moved in front of her and gave hers. She looked confused.

Thomas:"It's from Newt..."

I looked at mine and ripped it open. She did the same with hers and we both read the letters.

Kill me. If you've ever been my friend, Kill me.

I read it, over and over again. The words wouldn't change. That was it. Newt...he wrote these way back. Before he went complete psycho. Sickness took over in his stomach. He wanted me to kill him. Hes just wanted to avoid the inevitable fate of becoming a crank.


I left my bubble of thinking and looked at her. She holds hers up snd gives it to me.

Don't make the mistakes I made. Make sure our child is protected at all costs. I Love You.

I look down at her and she looks at me.

Maria:"What does yours say."



I gave her the piece of paper and she read it. She didn't cry...She didn't do anything but look at it.


She gave the paper back and got up.


She walked away, going to the washroom. Locking the door.
I looked back at the note.
I failed him. He didn't want to live, he wanted to die, he never wanted to be a crank. Why would anyone.

Newt POV:

I walk back inside the palace and people run to me.

Jade:"That was the girl you got pregnant. How many months?"

Newt:"6 months."

Jade:"Just one?"


Jade:"That stomach Is way to big for 1...but okay."

Newt:"No. I saw one baby in the scanner. Only one... I wont be there for."

I see 5 cranks walks to us. Brandon the asshole.

Brandon:"Damn. The pregnant chick is unlucky to have you. Maybe when I see her in Denver I'll say hi."

He laughs loudly, and insanely.

Newt:"No you won't. You touch her, I'll rip your throat out with my teeth."

I snarle at him snd he huffs at me and turns to leave.

Brandon:"I'd watch your back Newtie Boy."

I watch him leave.

Newt:"Let's continue discussing bout Denver."

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