#52 No More

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Maria POV:

Newt looked horrible. His hair was falling out and his face was bruised and more veins appeared around the left side of his face. He looked like he hadn't slept in weeks. His shirt was ripped and you could see blood down it. Grime and more blood was all over his pants and it seemed like he had given in, became a full crank but I knew, I knew he had some life in him. His eyes were still pure, shining in the moon light.

Lawrence:"She's banged up but the van should still be good for us to get moving."

He pulled the gear and he went into reverse. He started to drive off when Thomas grabbed his shoulder.



Thomas:"Stop the van!"

Lawrence:"What? What are you talking about?"

Maria:"Stop the freaking van!"

Lawrence slammed the brakes and Thomas grabbed my hand and we jumped out of the van. Lawrence grabbed Thomas and yanked him.

Lawrence:"What are you doing!"

Maria:"Get off him."

I raised my pistol and aimed it at his face. Lawrence let go. I held the little bag i kept and I put it in my pocket.

Lawrence:"Calm down kid. What is wrong with you two."

Thomas:"We saw our friend. See if he's okay. If not, we'll run back and we will leave.

Lawrence:"You think those cranks are your friends. Their past the gone, they're here to kill us."

Maria:"We are going. We're doing this"

Lawrence:"Fine. Hurry, if those cranks by the garbage heap head this way we're firing. I don't care if your mommy or uncle frank are out there."

Thomas:"Good that."

We turned putting our guns away. They walked towards him. We stopped half way, his eyes changed. The wildness In his eyes shown, the madness. How could this happen so quickly.

Thomas:"Newt...Hey its me, Thomas. Remember me? and Maria-"

Newt lifted his head. A sudden clarity filled Newts eyes. I jumped back of the site of it, thomas stayed still.

Newt:"I bloody remember you guys...how could I forget. You came to see me, rubbed it in that you ignored my note. I can't go completely crazy in a few days."

I look at Thomas, pain ran through him.

Maria:"How could you... be with them."

He looked behind him, at the mad cranks and then back at me.

Newt:"It's comes and goes...I feel fine for a second and then crazy the next. It's an itch in my bloody brain..."

Thomas:"You seem fine."

Newt:"I won't be for much longer."

I started to walk towards Newt. He shook his head and stepped forward.

Newt:"Your...Your stomach."

He pointed it, shaking. Blood in his nails and scratches all over his hands.

Maria:"I had them."

Newts eyes changed again. Into the pure and kind eyes that I saw every day in the glade. I took a picture out of my pocket. It was a picture of me, lily and miles. I stepped closer and Newt ran to me, grabbing the picture and then stepping back again. He looked at the picture. A little smirk showed on his face.

Maria:"Miles and Lily."

Newt:"Boy and a girl?"

I nodded. He smiled but he frowned when he gave the picture back.

Newt:"You need to leave..."

Maria:"No...you come with us."

Thomas:"We'll tie you up if it makes it better."

Newts face suddenly hardened into anger and he spoke out in rage.

Newt:"You...just shut up! You shuck traitor. Didn't you read my note! You can't do one last thing for me. Gotta be the hero's. I hate you! I HATE YOU BOTH!"

I put the picture back in my pocket and tears dropped down my cheeks.
I stepped next to Thomas. His face was firm. He couldn't believe it either.


Newt:"SHUT UP! shut up...shut up..."

He ripped at his face.

Lawrence:"I'm gonna blast him!"

Maria:"NO YOU WON'T! Stay out of this!"

Anger showed in my voice. I walked right up to Newt and he grabbed my arms to stop me.

Newt:"What did you expect Maria...me to be the old Newt, the weak adorable Newt you fell in love with. I'm not! I CANT BE THE PERSON YOU WONT ME TO BE!"

I didnt say anything. My arms started to ache. I felt his nails dig into my arms.

Newt:"Please...Kill me."


I cried his name and shook my head.

Newt:"Please Maria...For me. I can't live like this. Hurting you every time I see you. I could hurt them."

I reached for my pocket and pulled out a syringe.

Maria:"I can't...I was hoping to find you tonight. I'm sorry for this, please dont hate me."

I lifted my hand pushing the syringe into his neck. I pushed it down sending the liquid to enter his blood stream. He pushed forward holding his neck.

Newt:"What did you...Do!"

Maria:"I'll cure you...I can't let you die, nobody else will die."

He fell to his knees and his eyes closed. I dropped the syringe onto the ground and looked at him.

Thomas:"What did you do?"

Maria:"I sneaked into there pharmacy and took a whole bottle of this medicine that makes people fall asleep, and be weak."

Thomas:"How did you know we would find him."

Maria:"I didn't..."

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