Aries: "Oh wow! Another person that I don't want to punch!"
Taurus: *Celebrates with pizza*
Gemini: "I can't believe I've had this blog for only a month and I already hit 1k!"
Cancer: *Messages them just to say thank you*
Leo: "What the fuck, I've been running this blog for half a year and I only have 13 followers."
Virgo: *Dies internally*
Libra: *Tries to become friends with their new follower*
Scorpio: "Oh cool, another person that'll come to my funeral"
Sagittarius: "yEs dAdDy foLloWed mE!1!!!1″
Capricorn: *Doesn't realize that they got a new follower*
Aquarius: *Makes 3 blog posts about their new follower*
Pisces: "Thank you so much for following me!!"
idk, I think I celebrate with pizza, doesn't realize I got a new one bc I don't really pay attention, I know that I follow them back (if I notice that I have a new follower) and I probably may try to reach out to them and see if they want to talk or will post on they're conversation board thing, with a thank you for following me.