Chapter 9

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(y/n) P.O.V


I blinked at what Bill said, astounded by the fact that he couldn't even acknowledge his past with Will. They look like long lost twins, it's so cute! Bill smiled at this, Will blushed, embarrassed as usual.

"So, do we have a deal?" Bill questioned impatiently. "Wait, Bill at least greet your brother! After all you've done to him, you could at least be nice." I said crossing my arms. "You're so adorable when you're angry." He sighed winking at me. "BILL!" I snapped. He gave me an uneasy look, before looking at Will, " Hey brother, how's life? Apparently not so great. Sorry for selling you and stuff. Didn't mean too." He said without emotion. "That's o-okay, I forgive y-you B-bill." Will cried. Bless his poor innocent soul. Bill turned to me, "Happy?" I nodded my head. Though I could see the fire in Will's eyes, he wasn't happy about Bill.

Will spoke up, " Bill, c-can you g-get (y/n) out of h-here? Can you take her to the t-t-town for me, so I know she's s-safe?" Will pleaded. I almost screamed, "No! We have to take Will with us!" Bill nodded in return," I can do that." Wait, what? "I can even get your hairclip back (y/n)." Hairclip? My mind flashed back to the aquamarine colored stone which disappeared when I woke up beside Dipper.

"But you have to do something in return."

Will looked cautiously at his brother. A worried look came across his face. We went silent. "What?" I asked through clenched teeth. My mind was racing, what would a demon need from us? Bill grinned, "You're so cute when you're confused." I rolled my eyes. Will glared at his brother.

"The truth is, I want you (y/n)."

I gasped, my hands fell, my ears numb. There was something insanely creepy about that phrase. I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out. Will spoke, "W-what do you m-mean?" Bill laughed, insanity displayed in his glow stick yellow eyes.

"For at least a month (y/n) will live with me."

"You mean in the mindscape?" I whispered. Bill nodded. I bit my lip. What would Bill do to me there? I shuddered at the possibilities. He really was psychotic.

I heard Dipper and Mabel's voices down a hall or two and screamed inside. I tried to pry my eyelids open but I fainted, I blacked out.

And when I woke up, two Doritos were staring at me.


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