Chapter 22

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(Y/n) P.O.V


I don't know what hurt me more, the fact that Bill was possessing my father or the fact that i couldn't say hello to him. Was he watching us as a ghost, like I had when Bill had possessed me?

These thoughts crossed my mind as I stood my ground, not moving towards Bill. A playful smirk appeared on my dad's face, he was so amused by my apparent disgust that it left him satisfied. "I just let the Pines twins go to back to Gravity Falls." He said slowly.

The group faced him, confusion in their eyes. I was confused too, then smiled. Thank goodness. One of the group members got up. "Are you talking about a different town? In... A different dimension, Gravity Falls, doesn't exist here does it?"

Bill suddenly shut his mouth, fear in his eyes, he wouldn't let me see it and turned his back. Sweat trickled down Will's neck and Bill was biting his fingernails, covering his face with his hands. Something was wrong. Regret was written all over Bill's face, he gave an apologetic frown to Will. Apologetic?!? Something is definitely wrong. He read my thoughts, frowning at me sadly.

"You said you let someone go there?" The cloaked member asked.

Will looked as though he would faint, his eyes closed and face pale. Bill turned around, his fists clenched, Goosebumps appearing on his arms. His legs were shaking, this was the most scared I had ever seen Bill. He breathed in a couple times, trying to act normal in my Dad's body. He shook his head shakily, denying everything.

"Only demons can do that... Y'know."



Hey there!

I'm so sorry for the very short chapter!!

You know what that means? This book is almost over...

I only started a week ago :(

The next few chapters and it will be over! Then the editing process begins...

So anyway, thank you for staying this long! I'll give shout outs at the end of the book!

Thank you!

Race you to the end! :P

Bye! Ayanechan out!

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