Chapter 18

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Y/n P.O.V


I sighed, I was actually invited to this Gleeful mansion party, I saw it mailed to my door. So Dipper knew where I lived. I shuddered at the thought, surprised by the fact that he didn't come in or even say hello. I shrugged at the thought, it was better if I didn't see Dipper at the moment, not while Will was probably being tortured. The party was tonight, what was it about? I had no idea. Nevertheless, I had to pick out an outfit anyway.

For a while, I wanted to change into the cipher dress because I didn't have anything and I was wearing the eye patch because of some idiotic demon that I know. But I didn't even want to be reminded of the betrayal. I screamed into a pillow, I didn't have anything to wear. My mother had taken everything when she had moved out and when you're alone in the woods, the last thing on your mind is a fancy dress and a party.

I sighed heavily, what was I going to do? I put on some casual clothes and decided I'd buy something in reverse falls.

But honestly, this was just to try and blend in, the top priority was to find Will. I clipped on my blue stone and headed out.

I was walking around, struggling to find something to wear when a girl around my age came up to me. She wore a large white hat, grey shirt and a black miniskirt. "Mabel?" I gasped covering my mouth. She giggled, "You'll blow my cover." She lowered her hat over her head and started chuckling wildly. I couldn't help but laugh too. I guess I never really got to know Mabel. Though on stage she looked like a monster, she hurt Will didn't she? Could I trust her?

I dismissed the thought quickly. "Where are ya headed?" She asked me, humor in her blue eyes. I sighed, " I don't have anything to wear to your party tonight." I gave her a sad smile, " I'll give you something cone on!" She exclaimed quickly before taking my hand gently and running to the enormous Gleeful mansion at the edge of town. Already an enormous lineup stated to form in front of the gates. Mabel waved them off, she went to the back and tapped on the door, Dipper appeared, "Hey!" He said smiling. Something wasn't right...

For the majority of the evening, me and Mabel engaged in conversation. She was actually really nice. She was really bubbly and full of energy. I don't know what got into Dipper though, he had... Changed somehow. He was more shy, he would blush when I caught him looking at me and seemed to not know what to say when around me. I knew Dipper liked me but gosh! This was weird.

Mabel picked out my dress from her closet, it was a deep shade of (f/c) and reached just below my knees. It had a black ribbon tied in the middle, on top I wore a black cardigan and let my (h/c) hair fall around my shoulders, the blue clip still in my hair, matching Mabel and Dipper's. I wore matching flats on my feet. Mabel smiled, " You look beautiful!" She was hopping up and down. Definitely something wrong here. Dipper turned red at the sight of me. "Wow, you look amazing. What did you say your name was?" Yup they're not Dipper and Mabel.

I furrowed my brow, "What's going on here! You two are acting... Different."

The twins looked at each other, fear in their eyes.

"Well..." Mabel sighed, " We could be from another dimension where everything and everyone is reversed. We came here about a week ago..."

Dipper pulled out a red book with a hand on it, showing me a picture of... Bill.

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