Chapter 17

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Will's P.O.V


I didn't know where I was and at that moment I didn't really care. The pains in my body had come back, making me remember the horrible torture the Gleeful twins had inflicted on me. I didn't want to open my eyes, knowing that I was sold again to some money hogging freak. I was just going to be used, at some party to make more money for this man. I groaned, I had known Bill would do this to me but I did it to make (y/n)... Happy, but... She wasn't.

I let out a shaky sigh, knowing that the sooner I did this, the sooner I'd be able to accept my fate. I had served the twins for five years, ever since they were about twelve, when they were still quite innocent, or so I thought. Their great uncle Ford, as they would call him, captured me one day, and surprisingly, returned me to Bill. But my brother had other plans and sold me to the twins instead. I couldn't go through another five years of torture but I had to accept my fate.

Getting quite bored, I opened my eyes, no I wasn't in some room with a bed, I wasn't in a hidden cell underground either. I was in a large glass box, with a stool and a small desk. I was an attraction at the Mystery Shack. I bit my lip in realization, I got up from the ground to see tourists taking pictures of me. I thought I looked human, so how... I sat on the stool facing the other way, I didn't like crowds. A single tear rolled down my cheek, I didn't like this, the flash photography blinded me, and I hated every single one of them, judging me, from what I wore, to my blue hair and even the cuts and bruises on my body. I wanted to be with (y/n).

I disappeared, using my invisibility to make the tourists go away. They looked confused and disappointed. I smiled at this, at least I didn't have to be stared at anymore. I could get used to this.

Bud banged on the glass, "Will you had better appear and make these people happy or I'll make you use... The electric chair." A single tear rolled down my cheek. That chair was used to kill people! Since I couldn't die... What would happen? I appeared, looking down at my feet. I sat on the ground cross legged and went into a trance like state for what seemed like hours, while children laughed, tourists took pictures and people tapped the glass to get my attention, I just sat their, my head in my hands, gazing at them. I hated my life.

When the shack closed, Bud opened a door in the side of the glass, tying my hands and leading me to the living room of the shack. He made me sit down in a red chair. I wouldn't say a word. "So Will, since this is your first day, no punishments." Bud said with a frown. I took in a breath, relief filling my head, "But, you have to do a better job at entertaining people or I will use the chair on you. Did I mention I have a gun?" Bud continued with a smirk. "In a few days, we have a party to attend. But... Apparently, you are wanted at the moment." Bud sighed, then chuckled, "Can you take over people's bodies? Possess them?" He asked greedily. I shook my head quickly. "Liar." Bud simply said pushing me to the ground.

"You will go into the body of my son Gideon Pines. You will perform with me. Use your magic Cipher." Bud sneered.

I sobbed, "P-please don't m-make me d-do this."

"Let's practice."

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