Chapter 24

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Will's P.O.V


I was being lifted by these psychotic robed men, well not as psychotic as my idiot brother, who left (y/n) here to die. For a long time I though Bill liked (y/n), maybe he did but any trace of that had vanished.

Bill was sick, he wasn't normal, he had mental issues that led him to do crazy things, like take us straight to the society that tried to kill us or sell his own brother twice to some cruel people and even terrorize (y/n) in her dreams, I shivered at the thought.

My life flashed before my eyes, I wanted to teleport away, to go invisible and run but, I couldn't leave (y/n) behind, not after all she had done for me.

I was lifted into another room, (y/n) hiding behind the men, a worried expression on her face. I read her thoughts, poor (y/n). I almost wanted to tell her not to worry, that I should be the one worrying. After finding out about her past, I just wanted to comfort her. I could never comfort her though, I'm too weak... I'd probably start crying.

I was lowered into a chair, it was a special chair, made out of metal and bolted to the concrete floor. I struggled but they were able to tie my hands and ankles to the chair. Tight buckles were strapped around my chest, making it hard to breathe. To make matters worse, they tied a belt around my neck so that I wouldn't move my head. (y/n) gasped at this, her hands over her mouth. I wanted to cry, to collapse and break down but, I had to be brave... For (y/n).

She pleaded and begged the people to let me go, her tear stained face shaking in fear. The men ignored her, even pushing her back violently, saying she'd be next if she didn't keep quiet. Her (e/c) eyes meeting mine. I could see her call the power from her stone but she had so much fear bundled inside her that it was almost impossible. I couldn't have escaped then either. I was fearing for my life.

A couple men came in with a table on wheels. It was covered with a white tablecloth, stained with more blood. Under the tablecloth was a gun. I began to breathe heavily. This was no ordinary gun. It had been used to wipe the minds of these men. All memories, including those of their past and their families were lost, disconnected. When used on a demon, it meant certain death...

And of course they knew that...

The leader, face still covered, picked up the gun and balanced it in his hand. "You know, I created this gun." He uncovered his face revealing the scarred and traumatized face of Mcgucket. I cursed my brother Bill who had shown him our rotten dimension that made him create this society in the first place.

Mcgucket hummed a tune while he typed something into the gun. I read his mind. My face going a ghostly white. I almost started crying, this would kill me for sure.

He pointed it at me, my life flashing before my eyes. I realized though I had only met (y/n), most of my happy memories were with her. I almost smiled, just thinking about her made me happy. She was different from everyone else. I closed my eyes, prepared for death to consume me. I would die happy, thinking about (y/n). I opened my eyes, his hand on the trigger.

That's when I noticed (y/n), even stressed, as beautiful as ever. She was struggling against the men. She broke free, pushing everyone aside. Just as the blast came through, (y/n) stood in front of me, her (h/c) hair flowing behind her. She closed her eyes preparing for the blow. She thought to me, I love you Will.

She was shot. Collapsing on the floor in front of me.

My heart broke...

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