Chapter 2

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(y/n) P.O.V


Town, town, town, town, town, town, I chanted in my head. Where would I head first? I looked around, overwhelmed at how amazing Reverse Falls really was. My steps crashed upon the sidewalk. My reflection showed in the crystal clear puddles, I would step into them, seeing my figure change as ripples glided over the surface of the water. Before i knew it, my shoes got wet, I quickly went inside a diner to let them dry. I folded my (f/design) (f/c) umbrella and left it by the entrance I walked in, the smell of pancakes overwhelming me, my feet took me to a nearby booth where i sat down staring out the window where it was almost pitch black. I hadn't seen a storm like this in years.

Suddenly a boy around my age burst in, he had brown hair brushed back against his head, his blue eyes menacing and his costume. Hahahahahaha... I couldn't help but smile in amusement, did he come from a circus? Other than that he was actually quite hot. I felt my face heat up. No, no, don't fall for someone that quickly. Suddenly I felt something glow again in my hair, the stone. Just my imagination, just my imagination, just my imagination. Suddenly, the boy looked at me, eyes hungry and wanting, Wait what?! He also eyed my hair, or was it my stone?

The boy came over to my booth, dripping wet and cape dragging across the tiles, and sat down across from me. "Hello my name is Dipper. What is yours?" He asked me with a voice laced with silk. Great... This is just what I need (sarcasm). I stumbled upon my words, " I'm (y/n), nice to meet you." Help me! "Are you new to this town, I'm sure I'd remember someone as beautiful as you my dear (y/n)," he said seductively, eyes shifting from my face to my... Umm. I quickly put my arms in front of me to his disappointment, "No I've lived here all my life so... Yeah, but I haven't been I town much, I live in the woods." I said in a annoyed voice. " Well let me show you the town, a lot of new things have happened since you were gone I'm sure. One of them is the Tent of Telepathy!" He cried excitedly, reaching for my hands. I pulled my hands back, ugh, this creep! " it's um raining so I don't think um..." I stammered. Dipper touched his stone, identical to mine! I gasped, he snapped his fingers, his eyes turning blue, even the white parts. The sky cleared and the rain was gone, the sun shone through the tinted windows illuminating the diner, Dippers face cleared and for the first time I saw his birthmark, a big dipper... I looked around realizing I hadn't ordered anything, I instantly felt bad for the woman behind the counter but before I could speak up and get a dozen pancakes, he snapped his fingers and teleported me somewhere...

Now bright and sunny, we were standing at the front of the Tent of Telepathy. " Here is your ticket my lady." He said bowing down and kissing my hand, he then proceeded to hug me awkwardly, making some girls in the distance scream. He disappeared in a poof of smoke. I was speechless, confused and above all, surprised. Did Dipper just teleport me here and why... No how? How did he make it all sunny? How did this make any sense? This day could not get any weirder.

Well it did...

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