Chapter 16

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(y/n) P.O.V


I held my heart, I was literally gripping my chest on the cold marble floor behind a pillar. I had to resist the urge to scream and yell at both Bill and Bud. My mind was racing, my body burning with power, though I channeled my energy and relaxed a little. I looked again at Will, who had tears streaming down his cheeks, blood dripping from his mouth and cheeks pressed against the cool floor, Bill's foot was pressed against his head, he stood confidently, laughing and cackling with Bud. I sighed, trying to control my anger. These men were greedy, so was Bill really selling Will to this monster?

"I'm going to use him, for an act in the Gleeful mansion as part of the entertainment." Bud declared brightly. Yes he is selling his brother again. Bill giggled, "Be careful now! The twins have had a history with Will, make sure to use him carefully, but feel free to stab him if you like! He's all yours! Ha." Bill, pulled Will up with one swift movement. Throwing him at Bud, Bud caught him by the arm and dragged him across the area, tying him to a pillar near mine.

My heart stopped as I saw him approach, relieved that he chose the pillar down by two. My blood boiled. What was I feeling? Anger, pity, sadness, sympathy and above all... Regret. I covered my eyes with my hands, crying softly, without making a sound.

Bud turned to Bill, "So, it's a deal!" He said, approaching Bill. He lit a small blue fire similar to mine and they shook hands.

What would make him sell him again? What deal was so great as to inflict pain on another, not to mention, Will is his brother! My thoughts were interrupted by a weak whisper, "(y-y/n)..." It didn't come from Bill or Bud who were still engaged in conversation. I gazed back at a wide eyed Will. He looked so relieved but so scared and worried at the same time. I wanted to hug him, to comfort him and support him, to escape. My emotions were tangled up, broken even. I smiled weakly at him tears streaming down my face. "I'm so sorry." I mouthed, upon seeing his lip quiver. Will's blue hair fell into his eyes as he was unable to brush it back with his hands, still tied to his back.

Bud's voice brought my attention back to him, "Can I explore my mind before I wake up?" He asked Bill eagerly. Like a kid. Bill smiled, "Sure kid." He replied looking in my direction, "I'm going to stay here and make sure Will doesn't escape until you wake up okay?" Bud nodded, running through his mind, searching through doors and cupboards.

He turned towards my pillar, my mind exploding with fear. I was hyperventilating, about to pass out, I looked at Will again, slumped and broken, defeated. I mouthed to him again, "I love you Will. I'm sorry." He opened his eyes and gave me a look of sympathy, "(y/n), you are my world. I love you more." He whispered, hushed before a mixture of exhaustion and pain made him sleep. Bill poked his head behind the pillar, it took all of my power not to punch him in the face.

"Careful (y/n), I can hear your thoughts remember, we can read your mind." So that's what gave it away. "Nice to see you too, Bill." I said sarcastically, my voice laced with venom. Bill howled with laughter," I guess I forgot we were connected by dreams, oh yeah, (y/n), you belong to me, you're mine now." He said eerily, licking his lips.

I backed away on the ground, he inched forward, I touched my stone as if calling its power. Bill smiled, "Your powers don't work here (y/n)." He grabbed my wrist, squeezing it tightly. "Fine, whatever! Do what you want with me, but know that you are a terrible brother! Will only agreed to go with you so that I could get my body back! He knew what you would do to him." Tears stung my eyes,  "How could you treat him like this when he treats others right?" I screamed into his face. I was sure my words would have an impact on him but his smile only grew.

"You said, I can do whatever I want to you?"

He was creeping me out, a sinister look on his face. He reached for my chest, I lunged forward trying to get out of his grasp. He then pulled  chains out of no where and chained me to him. "You are bound to me." He snapped, "Not my stupid crybaby brother." He started reeling me in.

I dragged and dragged, Will started disappearing, his skin going translucent, like a ghost. His bony hands were still tied behind him, though the bounds were also disappearing. Bud was waking up, I screamed and cried for him to wake up, to fight back but my words were lost, in a non-existing wind, my legs now attached to Bill. I stared at Bill with more hatred than ever, I was livid but... He started to disappear too. I was going to wake up, I realized.

My eyes snapped open, my head hurt. But that didn't matter. Will was in trouble, I had to save him.

As of now, I hated two people my step-dad and a certain dream demon who ruined his brother's life, pulling me down with him.

I need to help him. Help me too.

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