Chapter 6

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Will's P.O.V


I woke up, well, I was actually regenerating, you see dream demons don't really sleep but I guess it looked to be the same process. I sat up, and looked at the girl who had comforted me before, she was fast asleep and looked quite peaceful there. I liked her, there was no doubt about it but, demons don't usually feel love and aren't usually attracted to humans but... She was the only human to have ever shown generosity to me and it m-makes me feel warm inside. I picked up the mop, might as well make her at home while she was here right? I closed my eyes in pain as my wounds opened with the effort of using the mop. I cleared the blood, my blood, from the cold floor and took out the preserved flowers in my drawers from the last time I was... Free. I thought they would liven up the place a bit. I put them on top of the drawers and smiled at the still yellow buttercups, the white hydrangea and my favorite, the purple lavender that still smelled fresh.

I took off my shirt, studying the new wounds I would have to heal. A big bloodied X was etched onto my chest, I traced it, flinching at the pain. This brought up a memory of me and my brother Bill Cipher. He had once thought pain was hilarious in his human form, he would cut himself just for the fun of it. I smiled, if only it didn't hurt so much. There were several other wounds, including one where my bone showed, the girl would think that was gross. I had to hide it. "Will." She said, her eyes widening in surprise, "Did... Did they do this to you?" I covered my wounds with my hands, I couldn't let her see.

She took a damp cloth from her pocket, she cleaned the wounds tenderly, making me sit down, I gritted my teeth in pain. When she was done, I couldn't help myself, I hugged her. "Th-thank you." I pulled away, "You're (y/n) r-right?" She nodded before saying, "How do you do it?" I looked at her confused, "How do you survive those cuts and stabs." I couldn't keep it from her, I told her about everything, that I was a demon, that my brother Bill... Sold me to the gleeful twins, that I was used as their slave and show prop. Her (e/c) eyes went big, her mouth open in shock. I regretted my words immediately, would she hate me now? I read her thoughts. I smiled in relief, she still liked me the same, she thought I was cooler now and felt more sorry for me. She hugged me again. " No one deserves this pain, especially someone as kind as you!"

We talked for hours, the more I learned about her, the more I liked her, maybe it was wrong, she was Dipper's after all but I couldn't help myself. We were trapped in there all day, I wanted to tell her how much I loved her but... I was a wimp... I could never and I had just met her.

That night she curled up beside me, as she fell asleep I kissed her forehead. "I'll help you escape tomorrow, I promise." She cried determined before falling into a deep slumber. "Goodnight (y/n)."

I did know how to escape but there is only one way... And I wondered if I could pull myself to do it . We should have gone today, Dipper and Mabel didn't come today. We may not be so lucky tomorrow... We had to go... NOW!

I clenched my fists, "For (y-y/n)." I whispered...

Help Me... Human! Will Cipher x  (reader)Where stories live. Discover now