Chapter 26

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(y/n) P.O.V


Today was my eighteenth birthday, almost a year had passed since I had been stuck here with Will. We had been all over the world, we flew over mountains and visited iconic places like pyramids and tall looming structures, all in my head! I felt like i was learning everyday. I couldn't have been happier here with Will. He was everything to me. I guess we had been officially dating for a year now. I smiled at the thought.

I woke up in the morning, turning to Will who was fast asleep on his side of the bed. I almost chuckled, Will was so adorable. I brushed back his strands of naturally blue hair and lay in his arms, falling asleep again. Will hugged me tighter, his warmth melting me. I rested my head on his chest, letting him rest his head on mine. I felt him breathing, soft mumbles came from his mouth. I almost squealed, this was so cute. I placed my arms around him whispering "I love you Will." He smiled in his sleep. And here I was thinking demons didn't need sleep!

I finally got up with Will, who groggily made his way to the bathroom. Sleepy Will was so sweet! I thought about what to wear, I put on a blue summer dress and wore leggings underneath. Since it was cold out I draped on a black cardigan. I put my hair up in a ponytail with a white bow and wore matching blue flats. Goodness! Ever since I met Will I was obsessed with the color.

Will got out and looked at me, "You look b-beautiful! Amazing as a-always." He smiled. I nudged him playfully, " You don't look bad yourself." I was right, he wore a long business shirt with a vest on top. He wore long jeans. I combed his blue hair, laughing at the way he gazed at me.

Lots of things happened that day, there was a (favorite) cake and candles. There was a lot of hugging, love letters and presents, all thought out by Will of course.

But nothing could prepare me for what happened that night.

I exited our house, observing the birds and seagulls sleeping in the branches of our trees. It was pitch black so I held up a candle in the dark. I made my way to the beach where we had put our dock. Gazing at the many stars glittering in the sky. We were careful not to put the big dipper as it would remind us of past memories. I looked on, seeing Will in a row boat, made for two. I gasped running over to him. "Will, this is incredible... Thank you!" He smiled, I could read his face. He was nervous... But why?

He rowed out for a bit, I closed my eyes listening to the crash of waves against the boat. The water was peaceful and quite still. I ran my hand through the water, laughing at the way the fish would come up and let me pet them, their shining silver and blue scales shimmering in the moonlight. They would look up at me with expressions of joy...

So unlike the real world.

I Looked back up at Will who was admiring me again. I giggled, "Will you're so cute." He blushed, his pale skin going crimson, making me blush too. We rowed until we reached a floating dock, moving with the lake. It was a circular dock with a roof and fairy lights feeding through the holes. "Will..." He was smiling now, music started to play in the background, a soft violin.

I got off the boat, taking light steps on the dock. A single lamp shone over head, lavenders looking down from the roof. I twirled on the surface, falling into Will's arms. He gave me a radiant smile.

"W-will you dance with me?" He asked, taking my hand. My eyes lit up, we danced for what seemed like hours, a cello joining the music. He stroked my hair, pushing it away from my eyes, kissing me softly.

I hugged him, sitting on the bench near the edge of the water. Will suddenly looked scared. "(y/n)..." He started, getting up, I did the same. "I know we're young and all but, I have loved you for a long time. I think I'd be lost without you." I gasped, my hands covering my mouth. He knelt down in front of me, his baby blue hair, covering his face. Tears started to fall down my face. I covered my eyes.

"(y/n)... Will you marry me?"

I choked back more tears, nodding my head. "Yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes!" I cried hugging him, relief flooding his face. He took out the ring, it was a normal diamond ring but in the middle was a tiny blue triangle, and a small violet flower behind it. The intricate details were incredible, the diamond wasn't even as big as a button and yet these things were inside.

"Oh Will thank you!"

He dipped me, kissing me again, a blush forming on my face and his. I closed my eyes, feeling his smooth face.

"I love you (y/n), never forget th-that."

The End...



Thank you for all the support!

I can't believe it's over already :(

well not yet! I still have to do an epilogue and a shout outs page!

Thanks so much for reading! It makes me so happy!!

Stay tuned for an epilogue!!!


And.... Cut!

Ayanechan. Out!

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