Chapter 20

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(y/n) P.O.V


The world was grayscale, I glanced at Will who looked terrified, like he had done something wrong. But he wouldn't have because he was too precious for this world, he was just too innocent. I held his trembling hand, stroking it gently, his hands were like blocks of ice on a cold winters day. Suddenly, laughter could be heard all around us. It had a ring of insanity to it.


I knew Will was scared, I could tell by looking at his facial expressions. "I-I m-made a mistake." He stuttered, "Bill t-told me to s-stay away from y-you and I disobeyed b-because, I l-love you (y/n), I couldn't stand being away from you." I had tears in my eyes, not because I was scared they were tears of happiness. " I love you too Will."

Bill appeared out of nowhere and frowned upon seeing me. "Seeing you two together makes me sick. Have you forgotten that you bel-" he stopped abruptly, eyeing me up and down. I took off my eye patch, the black triangular mark, was gone. The designs on my arms and legs had disappeared. I stared back at Bill with my normal (e/c) eyes. I grinned happily, giving him a confident look. He gasped, before frowning "Oh and Will, I guess I cant trust my own brother to stay away from my things." Will looked down at his feet in shame, sobbing quietly, not letting him see the tears that were steaming down his face onto his bloodstained neck. I stamped my foot, "Don't talk to your brother like that." I snapped. Bill whined, " You can't tell me what to do." We glared at each other, our hatred growing with every passing second. Bill chuckled madly, his body vibrating

"I guess you haven't seen me... WHEN I'M MAD!" He gave off an orange glow, his pupils turning black. His attire changed red, his hair darkening. A black liquid leaked from his body, he stank of rotten flesh and death. Blood poured from his mouth, leaking into his red suit. His form glitching uncontrollably, he looked almost rabid. His words bubbled from his mouth, ending up as gibberish. I had never seen Will so petrified, his mouth gaping, his eyes like two saucers and his lip quivering. I expected the worst, I expected him to charge at us, attack us and kill us. That was not the case.

He floated over to Will, smiling, his teeth pointy and vampire like. I could see Will freeze up inside, fearing his life. he dragged Will by the arm, teleporting him away with a snap of his fingers, I came along, colors danced around me for a minute, sounds were lost and a scream was heard in the distance. I was inside a portal but to where? Another dimension? Somewhere in Reverse Falls? I held my head, a migraine like sensation overcoming me. The screams rang louder until, it all stopped. Silence filled the place.

it was a room with a single spotlight in the middle. In the spotlight was a stool, it had a gun like object resting on it.

And worst of all, there was a white banner. It had a red eye on it which was crossed out with an x.

We're dead,

no wait... I'm dead.

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