Chapter 21

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(y/n) P.O.V


I breathed in slowly, was this a cult? My heart paced as I observed the area, I made my way to the middle. Where were Will and Bill? There was a gun resting on a stool, it didn't look like a normal gun, it had a panel on the side, with the word: Memories in it. I didn't want to touch it as it looked dangerous. My eyes widened as I saw the eyes on the walls, they all had an x going through it, the x was drawn with red paint, or blood, the eyes were white and clouded over, lifeless. Or so I thought.

One of the eyes blinked, I was literally being watched, but by who? I bit my lip, resisting the urge to scream. I took in a deep breath, with a shaky voice I asked, "Who, who are you?" I couldn't see the people or bodies, I could only see the eyes glowing white in the dark. My toes curled in my flats, I was shivering, a cool draft making its way towards me. One of the people stepped forward, they were wearing brown robes. I found their attire quite funny and had to conceal my laughter. Fear can make you do crazy things. The man that stepped forward said with a booming voice, " We are The Society of the Blind Eye." I blinked a couple times. Was my dad here?

I nodded my head slowly, "That's nice, well I better be going, I was just passing by!" I chimed cheerfully, trying to convince myself to be happy. More people stepped forward. Their robes flowing around them, their heads high and confident. One of them had yellow eyes and another had blue eyes, he looked like he was about to cry, his figure slouching miserably. I sighed in relief, I found Will and Bill.

I tapped my foot impatiently, waiting for someone in the group to respond and let me pass. Bill had an amused look plastered on his face, Will... Didn't look so sure. One of them cleared their throat, " Well, we've never had a female member before, so... Would you like to join?" I bit my lip again, until blood trickled down my chin. I wiped it quickly and sucked on it instead to stop the blood. "I have to, have to... Um... Think about that... Uh... You see it all depends on, my dad... He, is he in the group? Because... I think, uh... If maybe." I rambled on until, one of them glared at me. "Your father? His name?" I thought for a minute, "It's (father's/n)." I almost whispered. The group erupted into whispers and gasps, poking, pointing at each other. They all pointed to one man.

Oh why did it have to be the one Bill possessed?

This was wrong on so many levels. Bill's smile grew. "I'm your dad, you can call me daddy from now on." I pursed my lips in annoyance. SHUT UP! I thought to him. His smile grew bigger, "You can live with me and..." I gave him an evil look.

All the others didn't understand what was happening. They had their hands on their hearts. In their eyes, they thought this was a family reunion.

"Come here, Bill/Dad said, let me hug you after all these years... My daughter."

I was screaming inside.

Will didn't look happy either...

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