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Nathaniel's Point Of View

It's late. Well not really. The kids went to the cabins literally about a half an hour ago.

Eric interrogated me about Cameron. At first I wouldn't speak because. Well I didn't exactly want to tell him willingly. It just didn't feel right spilling everything between him and me. I think Cameron wanted to keep it between us. For not saying anything Eric punched me. So around my left eye is bruised and has dry blood. So after that and some other hits I told him I might know where Cameron is. So he twisted my arm and put it behind my back, and made me lead him to where I thought Cameron was. He wasn't there so Eric hit me again in the face, not as hard. But my nose did start bleeding a lot. He did the same thing with my arm and I led him to the cliff. Cameron was there. Eric let me go. His grip cut circulation so I collapsed and Cameron ran to me. He then kissed me and told me that he was sorry about Eric. I did end up blacking out. When I woke up Dakota was with me. She asked what happened, so I told her. She found out about Cameron. How he kissed me.

The rest all asked when I came to help set up. We're setting up the courts for volleyball tonight so we won't have to tomorrow.

My hand feels a lot better so the doctors told me I am able to take the brace off for a few hours each day now. I have it on now but, I am really excited for it because then I can help Angelina with volleyball. And help out some of the kids. Because she can't do anything and I mean anything left handed.

"Alice, move just a little bit back so you're lined up with Nate," Cameron says. Me, Alice, Dakota, and Reid are finishing the lines for this last grass court.

"Okay," she says, moving back to line up with me.

"Good. Now set it all down," Cameron says. We set the lines down and hammer them to the ground.

"Hey, Nate?" I hear Lina's voice. I turn around to see Hunter and Lina.

"Yeah," I say.

"Can I have a word with you?" She asks.

"Sure," I say walking over to her. She's in front of a tree near the bench.

"What the hell did Eric do to you?" She whispers. I take her by the wrist and pull her behind the tree so nobody can see us.

"He interrogated me," I say.

"What'd he do your face?" She says stroking my cheek then slowly moves up to the bruise on my eye. Then says, "There's blood in your eye."

"Uh huh," I say.

"I mean the whole white part of your eye is completely red," she says, "Maybe you should go ask Dakota about it."

"I'm fine, it... It... It doesn't hurt either," I say. That's false, it hurts a lot. I haven't been able to see clearly through it.

"Nathaniel, something happened. I need to know. I need to know if... If..." She starts, then pauses.

"Know what?" I ask.

"Do you love him?" She asks.

"Love who Angelina? I don't love other boys, I have in the past. Before I had the courage to talk to you," I say.

"Do you love Cameron?" She asks. Tears start to form in her eyes.

"No, not like that at least. He's one of my best friends. Yes I have kissed him, I enjoyed it, but that was before. Before I met you," I say.

"I knew it. You two kissed, that's cute, but please don't do it again," she says.

"Okay, but what about this," I say. Then I kiss her on the lips. She kisses back.

"Nate, it's good to have you back," she says, "But, what is this?"

"What's what?" I ask.

"This," she says grabbing my wrists. She took the brace off. There was blood all under it. I didn't do anything. That's from this morning. My wrist scrapped against something.

"I didn't," I say.

"Nathan I want to believe that you didn't do it but there's no other explanation," she says.

"I... I... Lina," I start.

"Dakota found these in your bag, by the way," she says. Then holds out two blades from a razor. Dried blood all over them.

"I didn't do it," I say.

"Then tell me who did?!" She says.

"I-I-I don't know," I say. I have a few guesses, but I'm not positive.

"Then prove it to me," she says, "By the end of the week I want you to prove it too me that it wasn't you." Then she puts the brace back on. And tightens the velcro straps.

"I will prove it, I will find the person," I say.

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