Chapter 9: Suffocated Luna

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Arabella's Pov. Two days later.

I sat on Orion's lap as he did pack work. He was right about not letting me be two feet away from him at all times. He got very overprotective in the last two days. He wanted to follow me everywhere and know about everything I was doing. I couldn't even breathe my own air without him checking if I was breathing in poison. Literally, he changed the smoke detectors and checked to make sure they were working all the time.

He was going way overboard.

"I'm bored," I crossed my arms. He continued writing his letter to the alpha.

"Me too," he kissed the side of my head before going back to the paperwork.

"Why don't you just email him the letter?" I asked. He moved his hand over the paper like he didn't want me to read it.

"My point gets across more when it's in writing," he put it in an envelope then licked the flap and closed it.

"When are you going to get me my ring?" I asked. He laughed and looked down at me on his lap.

"Let's get it in a few minutes. Right after I finish this," he said. He pulled out another piece of paper and an envelope.

He was taking so long, I fell asleep on his chest. I woke up when someone pushed his door open.

"Alpha I... Arabella?" West stood at the door. He was so confused. Orion never told them?

"I have to tell you something West," he said. West just nodded,"she's already half dead. She's half vampire. I walked in from the hospital and she was sitting at the kitchen table. I thought I was dreaming."

"You didn't think to tell us?" He asked. Orion frowned at him. I guess he though he would be happy that he has his Luna back. Guess not,"We left you alone because we thought you were screwing someone else to get over her."

"Do you have to tell me something?" Orion asked. His whole body tensed under me.

"You know what, I do. You're a softy Orion. You're turning into a softy," he growled at him. Orion's eyes turned black.

"Arie, go to my room and lock the door," he said. I turned to look at him.


"Go. Arie go. Get ready. We're going out," he said more forcefully. I got up and walked out the door. I went to his room and locked the door. I covered my ears as I heard glass smash and a loud growl. That was Orion's growl. He was going to show West that he wasn't a softy. Why would West tell him that knowing he'd be on edge?

"So my brother does have an edge to him?" Angel said. I frowned. I haven't heard his voice in a whole day. I thought he forgot about me. I hoped he forgot about me.

The doorknob moved. Orion pushed the door open and walked to the bed. He had a cut and bruise on his face. He had a bite mark on his arm.

"Wrap this for me please," he put the bandages in front of me. I grabbed a wet rag from the bathroom and wiped the blood from it. He didn't even wince when I did.

I wrapped the bandage around it then patted the cut on his forehead with the rag. He winced and pulled away from me.

"I'm sorry," I put it down.

"It's okay," he put a bandage on his forehead.

"Did you hurt him too badly?" I asked. He frowned at the mirror.

"I knocked him unconscious. It's all skin wounds. Nothing cut too deep. Since he thinks I'm such a softy, I'm not calling a pack Doctor," he shrugged and walked to the door.

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