mother knows best chapter 3

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Lucas - Riles Riley Riles

Riley - Friar why are you yelling my name just come up

Lucas - or you can come down you know

Riley - I do

Topanga - Riley muffins

Riley - OK

Lucas - you coming down or what

Riley - yeah relax I'm coming OK after I get a muffin

Lucas - muffins hey

Riley - I know I know throw you down I got it


Topanga - morning honey muffins

Riley - yeah

She grabs two muffins

Topanga - why did you grab two

Riley - one for me and Lucas

Topanga - Lucas he's not even yet

Riley - yes he is

Topanga - huh

Riley - mom don't start

Topanga - I said nothing honey

She runs upstairs

Topanga -where are you going  Lucas is going to want muffin.

Riley - he's getting it

Topanga - but you're going upstairs

Riley - he's going to catch when throw it out the window

Topanga - just take it to him Riley

Riley - where's the fun in that

Topanga - I guess there is none honey

Riley - un-huh

She runs upstairs all the way

Riley - hi

Lucas - hey there you are I'm dying here I'm starving

Riley - catch you baby I won't let you die

She throws the muffin he catches it

Lucas - thanks Riles

Riley - you welcome Friar anytime

Lucas - 2 minutes Matthews

Riley - yeah yeah yeah 2 minutes Friar

She brushes her hair grabs her jacket

Riley -  mom I'm leaving

Topanga - OK

She climbs out of the bay window

Riley - happy much

Lucas - what Riles

Riley - you're extra happy today

Purple Rucas By Quanisha Pool Where stories live. Discover now