Purple Skies chapter 2

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Riley - Lucas where we it's dark

Lucas - there's a reason why I wanted us to come outside when it's dark Riley

Riley - why Lucas

Lucas - I know you love purple so

Riley - so what

Lucas - look up Riles

She looks up at the sky

Riley - whoa beautiful how did you know about this

Lucas - there's a  moment once a year where the sky turns purple it's that time again and I know you love purple happy anniversary Riles

Riley - I love it Lucas I have something for you too

Lucas - yeah

Riley - yeah you remember when we first met in preschool I dropped my ring pop and you gave me yours instead I could have it

He laughs

Lucas - Riles yeah I remember why

Riley - I owe you Lucas so here is you're ring pop and a memory to the moment we became friends on the playground  in preschool and over a ring pop that I dropped I'm glad we became friends

Lucas - this is amazing most people wouldn't think it's a big deal but I do because it's the moment I became friends with you who would have known that It would be over a dropped Ring Pop

Riley - we definitely didn't but I think it was one of the best days of my life I got a good friend that day

Lucas - so did I and our friendship has taken us far very far

Riley - yeah it has and we're never going to forget it

Lucas - what do you say we check out this sky and take some pictures while we're at it

Riley - I'm in let's do it

They check out the sky and take pictures one of Riley on Lucas's back and ones of Lucas cutely  nudging Riley

Lucas - Riles

Riley - yeah

Lucas - this is the best anniversary

Riley - yeah I agree shit

Lucas - what

Riley - I gotta go

Lucas - let's get you back

Riley - yeah

They start running

Riley - why are we running

Lucas - honestly I don't know Riles

Riley - oh well let's keep it up

Lucas - OK

They run again

Riley's apartment

Thought the bay window the go

Topanga - how was it

Riley and Lucas - amazing

Topanga - have you two gotten closer

Riley and Lucas - we've been over this

Topanga - I know but you guys seem a lot closer

Riley and Lucas - we're always going to be close just not in the way you're thinking

Topanga - OK OK if you say so I guess I just see things a little differently then you to then you two do

Riley and Lucas - yeah you're thinking differently but you know we've always been close

Topanga - you two are cute without even trying to be

Riley and Lucas - nothing is going to happen there's nothing wrong with being close without anything happening because nothing's going to happen

Topanga - I wouldn't be too sure about that if I were you

Riley and Lucas - what

Topanga - nothing nothing kids

They laugh

Riley and Lucas - why won't she get that nothing's going to happen 

It's cute they think nothing is going to happen between them more to come for the two bestfriends  I love you all so much 

Purple Rucas By Quanisha Pool Where stories live. Discover now