Friar Matthews chapter 17

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The next day Lucas is Knocking on her Bay window

Riley - go away I'm sleeping so good

Lucas - that's to bad Matthews

Riley - it's so early Friar why

Lucas - because when we paint the sun will hit the paint just right in the light

Riley - I hate you so much right now

He laughs

Lucas - how many times do I have to tell you that you don't Riley

Riley - the rest of you're life Friar the rest of you're life

She goes back to sleep

Lucas - you know you want too

Riley - yeah I hate you

Lucas - you don't

Riley - pretty sure I do

Lucas - come with me you'll love it

Riley - yeah I love being woken up early so early almost as much as I love being ordinary and we both know how I feel about that

Lucas - it's worth it I promise

Riley - OK OK Friar

Lucas - Matthews I love you

Riley - I love you too

30 minutes later

Riley - let's go

Lucas - got paint

Riley - un-huh

They take off running to the wearhouse

Riley - I can't believe you got me to do this

Lucas - you love stuff like this

Riley - I know but today I really needed my sleep

Lucas - why exactly

Riley - Friar I would tell you but something tells me you already know

Lucas - why dream about it when you got it

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