if lightning was a kiss chapter 7

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2 months later time jump

Farkle - Lucas talk to her it's been 2 months already

Lucas - how  could we let this happen

Farkle - you're both being stubborn that's how Lucas

Lucas - we said we didn't want to  hurt each other

Farkle - are you

Lucas - what

Farkle - hurting each other Lucas

Lucas - yeah we are

Farkle - then stop

Lucas - this wasn't supposed to happen

Zay - what are you going to do

Lucas - find her

Zay - when you do be honest with her

Lucas - she deserves it

Zay - yeah she does Lucas

Lucas - if she won't see me

Zay - I think she will but you have to find out first

Lucas - later

Zay - good luck

Farkle - don't be stubborn

Zay - not this time

They all hang up

Lucas - we have to talk about it

Riley's apartment

Riley - once is never enough

Topanga - Riley Lucas is here

Riley - um

Topanga - Riley he was you're best friend before everything happened

Riley - he didn't use the window

Topanga - I think maybe he knows you are still kinda mad at him 

Riley - I am

Lucas - Riley Riles Riley please talk to me Matthews

Topanga - I think he misses you and I think  you miss him to

Riley - mom

Topanga - he's here Riley it's important to talk to him

Riley - OK OK

Topanga goes down stairs

Topanga - she's coming Lucas

Lucas - thank you I really

Topanga - Miss her

Lucas - yeah

Topanga - for what it's worth I'd say she misses you to a lot Lucas

Riley - let me be the judge of that mom

Topanga - am I wrong Riley

Lucas - is she Matthews

Riley - Friar are we going to talk about it or not

Purple Rucas By Quanisha Pool Where stories live. Discover now