plans chapter 5

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Riley - miles hi

Miles - Riley hey you look amazing 

Riley - thank you so do you

Miles - Milk shake

Riley - yeah sure thank you

Miles - I'll be back Riley

Riley - OK

He leaves to get the milk shakes when  Riley gets a text From Lucas

Riley - he loves to torture me

Lucas's text - hey Matthews

Riley's text - hey Friar

Lucas's text - how's the date is he good to you

Riley's text - Friar you don't have to protect me you know

Lucas's text - I know but I always will

Riley's text - of course you will

Miles - here you go Riley

Lucas's text - yeah I will

Riley's text - Friar I gotta go we'll talk soon

Miles - so what does Riley Matthews love

Riley - chocolate lilies my favorite color is purple I Love Popcorn with chocolate and red gummies Love Romance but enough about me what about you what are you like

Miles - I love Butterfingers I don't really have a favorite color I paint

Riley gets another text

Riley - I so sorry excuse me for a minute it's a mom

Miles - OK Riley

Riley - thank you Miles

Miles - you're welcome

Lucas's text - Riles

Riley's text - I'm here Lucas

Lucas's text - I'm bored Riles

Riley's text - Friar you're not dying call Zay

Lucas's text - I did he's not fun right now

Riley's text - I'll see you soon after my plans OK

Lucas - boo Riles blow off you're plans

Riley's text - I can't Lucas

Lucas's text - not even for you're best friend Matthews

Riley's text - oh Friar you'll be fine OK

Lucas's text - I'm dying here

Purple Rucas By Quanisha Pool Where stories live. Discover now