rain and ruin part 1 chapter 13

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Riley - today I'm OK I guess that is

Cory - Riley

Riley - yeah

Cory - I'll be back

Riley - OK I never ask where he's going

Maya calls

Maya - honey

Riley - peaches

Maya - how are you

Riley - OK

Maya - Riles

Riley - I am

Maya - it can be hard to see you're parents apart I know that

Riley - yeah

Maya - you'll be OK honey and if not  you got me all the time

Riley - I know peaches you got me too Thunder

Maya - lightning

Riley and Maya - forever

They laugh

Riley - really I'm OK right now

Maya - it gets better

Riley - does it

Maya - yeah it does honey

Riley - OK peaches

Maya - you taught me that Riles

Riley - I remember

Maya - good

Riley - hey gonna go OK

Maya - OK

Hangs up

Lucas's house Lucas on the phone

Zay - how is she man

Lucas - OK she's OK

Farkle - we keep trying to call her

Zay - no luck

Lucas - guys I swear  Riley is OK

Farkle - we're worried about her Lucas

Lucas - she's fine if she wasn't I would know  so would you I talked to her

Zay - and she was fine to you when you talked to her

Lucas - yes guys

Zay and Farkle - OK Lucas 

Lucas - we don't lie to each other and I know when she's lying and she knows when I'm lying

Zay and Farkle - she's Not

Lucas - No

Zay and Farkle - Lucas

Lucas - No

Zay and Farkle - OK OK

Lucas - thank you

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