Feelings are a mess so why do they even exist in the world that is the real question
Riley - OK OK OK shit shit shit I can't
Riley stands alone in her room
Riley - I want everything to be the same but i know it won't after this
Riley pulls out a pregnancy test
Riley - here I go
Riley takes test and wait for the results
Riley - huh I could be a mommy
The results come Riley checks the test it says positive
Riley - oh my God oh my God oh my God I am a mommy Oh No Lucas
She picks her phone to call Lucas but she can't she looks at her car keys but she can't drive either
Riley - No I need to run
She climbs out of the bay window and takes off running
At Ricky's pizza place
Ricky - Riley what can I get for you today
Riley - Nothing I was looking for Lucas
Ricky - I haven't seen Lucas today sorry angel
Riley - that's OK thanks Ricky
Ricky - anytime Riley
She checks Topanga's but no luck there either
Riley - Lucas where are you
She thinks about it for a minute and takes off running again
At the wearhouse
Lucas - Riley what is it what's wrong
Riley doesn't say a word she just puts Lucas up by the hand leading him out of wearhouse
Lucas - Riley Riley
Still No words
Lucas - hey you're scaring me Matthews
They reach her apartment climb the fire escape
Lucas - Riley slow down you haven't said a word since we got here why
She leads him to the bathroom
Lucas - Riles say something
Riley - that Friar that
Lucas walks over to the sink and looks at the pregnancy test his eyes go wide he looks at her
Lucas - you are pregnant
Riley - yeah and I'm scared Lucas really scared
They sit on the bathroom floor
Lucas - what do you want to do Riley
Riley - Friar don't know yet I just don't know but all I know is I'm scared Friar

Purple Rucas By Quanisha Pool
ФанфикRiley and Lucas have been friends since preschool they've never had feelings for each other but what happens when one kiss changes everything