I'm scared chapter 21

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Feelings are a mess so why do they even exist in the world that is the real question

Riley - OK OK OK shit shit shit I can't

Riley stands alone in her room

Riley - I want everything to be the same but i know it won't after this

Riley pulls out a pregnancy test

Riley - here I go

Riley takes test and wait for the results

Riley - huh I could be a mommy

The results come Riley checks the test it says positive

Riley - oh my God oh my God oh my God I am a mommy Oh No Lucas

She picks her phone to call Lucas but she can't she looks at her car keys but she can't drive either

Riley - No  I need to run

She climbs out of the bay window and takes off running

At Ricky's pizza place

Ricky - Riley what can I get for you today

Riley - Nothing I was looking for Lucas

Ricky - I haven't seen Lucas today sorry angel

Riley - that's OK thanks Ricky

Ricky - anytime Riley 

She checks Topanga's but no luck there either

Riley - Lucas where are you

She thinks about it for a minute and takes off running again

At the wearhouse

Lucas - Riley what is it what's wrong

Riley doesn't say a word she just puts Lucas up by the hand leading him out of wearhouse

Lucas - Riley Riley

Still No words

Lucas - hey you're scaring me Matthews

They reach her apartment climb the fire escape

Lucas - Riley slow down you haven't said a word since we got here why

She leads him to the bathroom

Lucas - Riles say something

Riley - that Friar that

Lucas walks over to the sink and looks at the pregnancy test his eyes go wide he looks at her

Lucas - you are pregnant

Riley - yeah and I'm scared Lucas really scared

They sit on the bathroom floor

Lucas - what do you want to do Riley

Riley - Friar don't know yet I just don't know but all I know is I'm scared Friar

Purple Rucas By Quanisha Pool Where stories live. Discover now