that hope chapter 34

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Riley - I wake up and wiggle my way out of Lucas's arms and I brush my teeth and my hair  put on my black leggings black leather boots a purple crop top and a  purple jacket in case you are wondering my mom went to work early I look at Lucas  and kiss him on the lips careful not to wake him up and I'm out the window I know I know where where am I going right you'll see

Riley takes off running down the street as fast as she can possibly go not stopping for a minute at all

At the wearhouse

Riley - here I go

Riley opens up the doors to the wearhouse the first thing she sees is the paint Riley picks up the paint and write to our angel may she rest peaceful and watch over us all forever and always we will always remember you even if we never got to meet and know you  love mommy and daddy she writes it next her Lucas's initials in their  favorite colors Riley takes a picture of it

Riley - this is for you baby girl we love you so much forever

She smiles to herself looks at the wall one more time before leaving the wearhouse

She leaves then the wind blows blew in her hair and face

Riley - thank you baby girl we knew you were looking out for each 

When the wind blows she will think of their baby girl and the wind blowing is a way of their baby girl saying hi

Ricky - Riley

Riley - Ricky

Ricky - usual Pizza Angel

Riley - yes Ricky 

Ricky - coming up Riles

Riley - OK thanks Ricky

Ricky - no problem angel

Riley waits for the pizza

Miles - hi Riley

Riley - hi miles

Miles - how are you

Riley - OK you

Miles - I'm good my art has taking off really well

Riley - congratulations miles that's   amazing

Miles - thank you

Ricky - Riley pizza

Riley - thank you Ricky

Ricky - sure

Riley - I gotta go see you around miles

Miles - you to Riley 

Ricky - be careful it's hot

Riley - got it Ricky

Ricky - OK tell Lucas I said hi

Riley - I will later

Ricky - later

Back at the apartment

Lucas - Riley baby Matthews

Purple Rucas By Quanisha Pool Where stories live. Discover now