the Friend side chapter 18

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Riley - let's climb the Statue of Liberty

Lucas - OK

Riley - 123

They start climbing

Lucas - Matthews

Riley - Friar

Lucas - I'm just checking on you

Riley - that's fine with me because I'm fine

Lucas - I know

Riley - great really great

They make to the top

Riley and Lucas - whoa it's beautifully dangerous up here

They take in the beauty of it all

Lucas - ready to know something about me you don't

Riley - yeah why not what could you possibly say that I haven't already heard

Lucas - I was thrown in jail well a juvenile detention center for running away

Riley - how come I've never heard this before how come you never told me what were you running from

Lucas - I didn't tell you because we're friends more than that what was I running fromwas running from my life it was the weekend that you went on vacation with your family before your family got blown apart as you put it

Riley - that's why you weren't answering my calls that weekend but why did you tell me this now why did you tell me this here

Lucas - because up here we don't need Secrets

Riley - I guess the Statue of Liberty bring things out of people that they didn't even know they had in them and up here we don't have to be anything better so since that's what we're doing because we always are us maybe I should tell you something

Lucas - yeah

Riley - I didn't go on vacation with my family that weekend they thought I was with you and you thought I was with them

Lucas - if you want with either one of us that weekend then where did you go

Riley - you know why I like adrenaline rushes there's a feeling you never felt before that weekend I snuck out my window made them think that I left to be with you then I snuck back in the house lock myself back in the bathroom like I was doing all weekend and in that bathroom I was passed out

Lucas - from

Riley - any damn thing I could get my hands on that's what maybe I don't need my boyfriend right now maybe I need my best friend

Lucas - I'm right here the same place I've always been

They look down

Riley - adrenaline rushes what will you do next

They are dangling together kicking their feet Bend legs back and forth what could possibly go wrong well long story short maybe everything all falls apart like the world unravels in front of them piece by piece hour by hour minute by minute or is that just the adrenaline rushes talking maybe it is maybe it's not wouldn't you like to know wouldn't they like to know the one thing they do know is the most dangerous things connect them even more than anything ever could or ever would but it's too dangerous that they like the most adrenaline rushes blood pumping heart beating so fast you can't think dangers those kind of dangers they never leave behind

Purple Rucas By Quanisha Pool Where stories live. Discover now