finally chapter 35

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Hey readers this is the last chapter the book was going to be longer but I'm ready to start writing something else  and you're going to love it

2 years later in Topanga's

Riley - it's been two amazing years Lucas and I got our baby girl her name is Ashley Topanga Friar she's 2 years old she has Lucas's eyes and my hair my parents are back together happier then ever

Ashley - mommy mommy

Riley - yeah baby girl

Riley picks her up

Ashley - daddy said I can have a cookie can I please

Riley - yes baby girl

Ashley - thank you mommy

Riley - sure baby

Cory and Topanga Chris and Daisy - Ashley

Ashley - all my grandparents mommy

Riley - I see go get them baby girl

Ashley runs to them they pick her up and spin her around and around completely in love with their grandbaby

Lucas - our baby girl is amazing

Riley - yes she is we did it

Lucas - yeah

They watch their daughter and smile

Ashley - mommy daddy

Riley and Lucas - yeah.

Ashley - come on I want to see the surprise you have please please please

Riley and Lucas - OK

Cory and Topanga Chris and Daisy - what surprise

Riley and Lucas - oh nothing nothing

Cory and Topanga Chris and Lucas - yeah OK

They leave Topanga's

At the wearhouse

Riley and Lucas open the doors to the wearhouse

Ashley - whoa pretty mommy daddy

Riley and Lucas - we come here too get away from everything bad it's ours

Ashley - mommy daddy

Riley and Lucas - baby

Ashley - what is that

Ashley is pointing to the wall

Riley and Lucas - that is for you're sister

Ashley - I had a sister

Riley and Lucas - yes baby but we never got to meet her she died in mommy's stomach

Tears come up

Ashley - mommy daddy I'm sorry don't cry please

Riley and Lucas -  baby girl it's OK we're OK

Ashley - you promise

Riley and Lucas - yes we promise

Back at Topanga's

Maya and Zay and Farkle - Ashley

Ashley - Auntie Maya and Uncle Zay and uncle Farkle

Maya and Zay and Farkle - hi cutie

She hugs them tightly

Ashley - I missed you all

Maya and Zay and Farkle - we missed you too

Riley and Lucas are holding hands watching their daughter

Ashley is happy Riley and Lucas are happy

Maya and Zay and Farkle - she's a  wonderful precious little girl we're really happy you have her

Riley and Lucas - thank you so much so are we we didn't think that we could have anymore kids but we got our baby and we are so thankful for her

Ashley - mommy daddy

Riley and Lucas - yes

Ashley - I love you so much

Riley and Lucas - we love you too baby girl

They kiss passionately 

Riley and Lucas - finally

Then they kiss Ashley on the forehead

Ashley - I'm so happy

Riley and Lucas - that's one of the best things you've ever said baby girl

Maya and Zay and Farkle - they did it

Riley and Lucas - her sister would definitely be proud of us we still love you baby we always remember you

Then the wind blows right in their faces and they know what that means

Riley and Lucas - hi to you too baby and we love you too so much we know you're still looking out for us you're always going to look out for us

The wind blows again

Riley and Lucas - bye baby girl we're not that sad anymore because you will always be with us always

Purple Rucas By Quanisha Pool Where stories live. Discover now